Posts by urie


    when you say ''feeds'' what do you mean and what feeds are you talking about?

    I mean on openatv e2iplayer in extensions that comes with it. if they do software update it overwrites your version.

    think this is the version

    enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer (git3500+805e3d1-r2)

    and the enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer-deps (1.0-r0)

    dave007 don't use the one from feeds use the one from this forum by enigma1969 so uninstall the version you have on and install enigma1969 one

    when installing just say yes when it wants to download dependencies and no for the ducktape one it is depreaciated.

    once installed edit settings below

    The preferred update server = Gitlab

    Select Gitlab repository owner = maxbambi

    Update packet type = with source code

    Use the PyCurl for HTTP(S) requests = yes.

    then you can update from within e2iplayer

    once you are setup you need to stop the one downloading from feeds that screws it up installs old version

    so use terminal in putty

    to stop download from feeds

    opkg flag hold enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer

    to enable download from feeds

    opkg flag user enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer

    Try removing EPGImporter plugin then reinstalling it from the feeds - worked for me. Was previously stuck on Zero events but this fixed it

    No this is different issue I had already uninstalled reinstalled also epg importer had not been updated something else is causing the error as i said developers on openatv forum are looking into it error is in openatv-6.4--20200625_ build and perhaps builds above that have not tried yet went back to openatv-6.4--20200622 build just going to a zgemma h2s so will see if that build is still in feeds.

    Sorry Master G, but this is not what I was asking for, I guess my bad English is the reason. What I meant was how to exclude extension from daily update of Open ATV not from E2Player, if that is possible. How to exclude E2Player plugin from Open ATV daily update. For instance last update have 41 (I think so) extension and plugin updates, one of them was E2Player and that plugin I want to exclude form update package, for the reason I explain in my first post.

    Uninstall e2iplayer and install this one e2iplayer

    then change settings

    The preferred update server = Gitlab

    Select Gitlab repository owner = maxbambi

    Update packet type = with source code

    Use the PyCurl for HTTP(S) requests = yes.

    Then you can now update Within e2iplayer

    now use telnet to stop other e2iplayer from feeds overwiting installed version.

    Stop Plug-in auto updating

    to stop

    opkg flag hold enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer

    to start

    opkg flag user enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer

    Ok did another flash on the fly with and EPG Importer is working so the error is in build

    I have reported this on OpenATV forum, not only one with the error.

    Running openatv6.4 with wooshbuild on zgemma H9 Combo just did software update now epg importer is not working getting error

    14:03:42.2109 { E } /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/python/ untilConcludes 2020-06-25 14:03:42+0100 [-] TypeError: eEPGCache_flushEPG expected 4 arguments, got 1


    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling also did full update on tne fly to latest openatv6.4 no difference I did notice Autobouquets maker was one of the software updates.

    Panda555 it is still old version on openatv feeds not enigma1969 version i still don't know why they still have that old version.

    Thats what I was talking about before if you do software update on your box enigma1969 version will beoverwriten by older one from feeds.

    I had to telnet opkg flag hold enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer to stopit downgrading.

    I have tried to download that link,isee it on the page but I cant copy it to usb. im useless at his sort of thing

    Download what link is it this

    wget --no-check-certificate -O && bash

    If so you do not try to download you paste that command line into terminal on putty or openwebif

    you can download putty from HERE but you still need to get your boxes IP Address so go to menu \ information\ network to get your IP Address.

    I would uninstall old version first , i will probably ask to download dependencies just select yes when it does but the duktape is depreciated so ignore it

    Panda555 hi I have the plugin installed from W@Rp version 2018.11.14.01 my image is wooshbuild (open atv 6.1) with custom sky skin. My box is vu+ duo2.

    I have all the strings as you mentioned above I just don’t have maxbambi in the update server.



    That version is ancient download latest from here the do as Panda555 said and you will have maxbambi in update server. And to be honest you should also update openatv we are now at version 6.4