Posts by dejv

    the above post had bootloader of 76c

    tried updating the bootloader to #84B and using image

    but problem still persisted :S

    I have a Dm800HD PVr that is on a loop of rebooting

    it loads till dream multi media booting and the bar and then reboots

    tried the below images:

    it has Sim201

    anyone ?

    can anyone tell me if it is possible to get

    itv granada
    bbc prime

    on s*k uk ?

    i tried searching on latest vhannibal channel list but couldn't find the above


    is bt sports incuded with the sports package on s=y uk? or is it optional like manchester channel ?

    09CD&000000/0000/20F5/41:331E): rejected group (120 ms) (0/0/0/0) (no matching reader)

    09CD&000000/0000/77F5/84:47E9): rejected group (120 ms) (0/0/0/0) (no matching reader)

    (09CD&000000/0000/0713/67:7D3F): rejected group (120 ms) (0/0/0/0) (no matching reader

    (09CD&000000/0000/785C/92:2C17): rejected group (121 ms) (0/0/0/0) (no matching reader

    I got a full sly it 09CD card and im getting the above with

    as a whitelist im using :ecmwhitelist = 09cd@:B7,51

    which comand must i use to use the ecm header whitelist?

    happened also to me.

    do I remove the oscam.tiers I currently have and put the above or should i add them to the list?


    is this configuration ok?

    i am using smargo card reader.

    I used to update my channel list using the above named plugin but for some reason lately it isnt working any more. I checked with a couple of friends and all have same problem. any ideas ?

    A friend of mine has a 9cd card and he put it into the original receiver for updates and now he is getting

    la visione e stata sospesa per motivi amministrativi per info chaia 800138138

    any suggestions ?

    he got the card for a year and has till october to expire.

    the configupdate just moves the file from a source to a destination and the config that was being used moves to a folder backup

    what I need is to the script creates a folder according to the date on a pendrive (attached on the server) and copies /var/etc (cccam config files) and /usr/local/etc (oscam config files) and put them in the folder created.

    this way if there is any hardware failure the config files will be safe on the pendrive.

    anyone has a script that backups cccam config (/var/etc) and creates a folder with the date that the script ran and puts the config files into the folder created.

    Currently I have oscam/cccam and *** uk and there are 2 users on oscam
    for some reason there are 2 cache and both users are accessing both cache, how can I reduce it to cache1 only so that there is less load on the card? (usernames have been repaced)
    Using :OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #7149

    2013/04/07 17:12:04 B6004C80 c user1 (0963&000000/0000/0F25/67:ED28): cache1 (120 ms) by ***uk
    2013/04/07 17:12:27 B6004C80 c user1 (0963&000000/0000/0F25/67:74CF): cache2 (63 ms) by ***uk

    2013/04/07 17:18:35 B60070B0 c user2 (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:33D0): cache2 (81 ms) by ***uk

    I got this vu as original.

    I loaded blackhole BlackHole-1.7.9-vusolo_usb image and then the light just remains green but nothing comes on display, tried changing from hdmi to scart, tried version 1.7.8 and even latest vix image but still getting same.

    Anyone knows what could be the problem?

    attached there is a pic of the board, is it an original vu or a clone? as the board on the left seems original but the green board seems like a clone ? (hope that I am wrong)

    I have a vu solo with blackhole 1.7.8 Build Sept 24

    I am trying to mount a network drive.

    I go to menu>setup>system>network>mount manager>mountpoints managment

    Active: enable
    Local share name: I entered the hostname of the network drive
    Mount type: NFS share (didnt choose CIFS share since my network drive doesn't have user and password)
    Server ip: ip of network drive
    Server Share: the path /Data/Movies
    use has hdd replacment: np
    Mount options: rw

    rebooted decoder but I am getting the attached.