Posts by Valder2009


    Thanks a lot for your support.

    Now it's OK with the adult items - I see them in the list and they work.

    Looks like it's OK with the movies, also.

    Though there are no posters.

    And it looks like it's better not to press the yellow button - immediately follows the crash.


    Please post your file /etc/enigma2/settings.




    I've just tried Webmedia 18.3 on my GI ET11000 4K with the most recent version of OpenAtv 6.4.

    I get crash when try to choose Option (yellow button).

    Dear Lululla,

    Something is wrong. I've got crash.

    Dear Lululla,

    There are practically no plugins like yours and it is really-really needed.

    You are one of few software people who could create such kind of the plugin.

    We understand that this is not a job but one of your hobbies.

    Please, find your valuable time for this plugin to improve it.

    It would be wrong to leave it because of some, I believe, little thing.

    May be to make some changes to the plugin to enable it to create error log to find what is wrong?

    V.1.0. does not asks for the "request" and can be used. But is a bit incovenient due to "chinese hieroglyphs" instead of latin in some screens.

    After update via telnet to v.1.1. starts to ask for the "request module" and can not be launched accordingly.

    reboot box and try, report issue

    Nothing has changed.

    Same error message appears: "No module named request".

    I could not find any error log if there is any.

    So, up to now v.1.1. is totally unfunctional (i.e., can not be launched) in my GI ET11000 4K with OpenATV 6.4 (latest update with the "requests module up to date), unfortunately. :-(

    V.1.0. does not asks for the "request" and can be used. But is a bit incovenient due to "chinese hieroglyphs" instead of latin in some screens.

    After update via telnet to v.1.1. starts to ask for the "request module" and can not be launched accordingly.

    Install the module its looking for - opkg install python-requests

    In my previous message I told that the message reads: "No module named request". So, it looks like the plugin looks for "request" but not "requests". Of course, when you use command via telnet opkg install python-request - it can not be executed since this a wrong command.

    Correct command should be "opkg install python-requests". But in ATV 6.4 "module requests is up to date".

    P.s.: I've checked the plugin right now. Same problem. I can not launch the plugin. Still requires "module named request".

    After installation of the v.1.1 I receive message "no module named request" (note "request").

    Tried to install "opkg install python-request" - unknown command.

    Tried to install "opkg install python-requestS" - ... are up to date.

    Image: latest OpenATV 6.4.

    Note: There were no problems like this in v. 1.0

    I've checked my OpenATV 6.4 with these files right now. No joy. Empty screen this time. Even the messages "not a string" dissapeared.