Posts by cga

    Create your own bouquets with a channel editor like dreamset or dreamboxedit.. I have attached latest bouquets for 19.2 east..

    These tools are good to upload all bouquets for astra 19 and 28 degree but in my case I have already 28 degree bouquets

    I used the dreambox but it deleted all my UK bouquets and added bouquet for Astra 19 degree I selected

    Is there any way to add only the Astra 19 degree bouquets without deleting bouquets I already have for Astra 28 degree?

    I would like to keep using autobouquet plugin for UK channels and then be able to add manulally 19 degree bouquets for Spanish channels

    Can you point me to where I can download the latest Open-AR image for Amiko 8900 Allien? I have seen different images everywhere but it is hard to follow up on which one is the latest one.

    I have set up my recording with HDMU latest image as below

    1.Format USB with Spark
    2.Run these commands

    mkdir /tmp/hdd
    umount /dev/sda1
    tune2fs /dev/sda1 -L RECORD
    mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/hdd
    mkdir /tmp/hdd/movie

    Ignore the mount and unmount if it doesn't get mounted

    3.Go back to the box and set the record path to /autofs/sda1/movie

    All your recordings will be in the movie folder and you can access them by ftp using FileZilla

    Is the drive working in Windows? That command should format it as ext3. Format it on Windows and try again

    That doesn't work. My USB is formatted in windows

    SPARK:~# mkfs.ext3 -L RECORD /dev/sda1
    mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
    mkfs.ext3: No such device or address while trying to determine filesystem size

    If your oscam webif details are like this;

    httpport = [COLOR='#FF0000']8888[/COLOR]
    httpuser = 
    httppwd = 
    httprefresh = 15
    httpallowed = -
    debug = 255

    Then login to oscam web interface in your browser like this; http://ip.address.of.server:8888

    Maybe because this image is too old it doesn't work

    I use my server IP and portt 8888 and it doesn't work. I will move on to the latest image

    Thanks. I have learned few new things today about OSCAM stuff

    My newcamd line is working, all channels are open but I can open OSCAM webinterface, it keeps showing TV screenshot attached

    I don't have a configs file In the /etc/tuxbox/config. Only satellites, terrestrial and cable xml are in this folderb3566e08.jpg

    Use the attached configs, it has dvbapi configured. Use your own [reader]/oscam.server file..

    I have added the OSCAM.confg and oscam.user attached above to the keys folder using my own oscam.server file and still I can't open the oscam web interface
    What else can I do?

    What does the oscam log tell you ? Do you see this new [reader] in oscam web interface ? Is the [account] for dvbapi active ? Are you able to edit the configs in web interface now ?

    My line is working but still I don't get the webinterface for the reader, only for the TV. I have set http port to 8888

    Set oscam.conf to

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = root
    httppwd = oscam
    httpallowed =,

    What else do I need to do to get the webin for the reader?

    Extract the attached file > Open oscam.server file with notepadd++ > Paste in your newcamd line/[reader] and save > FTP all configs to /usr/keys folder..

    This doesn't work I have added my line

    label = newcamd_server_1
    enable = 1
    protocol = newcamd
    device =,xxxxxxx
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    user = xxx-xxxx
    password = xxxxxxx
    group = 4

    Also I have in emu folder file oscam_ymod NS start/oscam_ymod.emu

    What Am I missing?

    Oscam ymod for HDMU:
    oscam_ymod > / usr / emu (change permissions TO 755 there) oscam_ymod.emu > / usr / emu / start (rights unchanged 644 ) all config files ( > / usr / keys (right unchanged 644) If everything is properly installed, you can launch it from the menu> HDMU> Softcam Control.

    I have restart the oscam, set the webInf port to 8888 to add my newcamD but I can get the readers page to add the line, only the TV webinterface

    How can I add my newcamd line?