Posts by RonSwanson

    Totally agree. Toys out the pram again :frowning face:

    If changes are committed to gitlab/github then it's set in stone and no-one can argue about who made whatever change. The "credit" is there for all to see in the number of commits that user has made.

    It's why I think users should be directed to gitlab/github for downloads rather than encouraging fragementation across various forums. I've made code changes in the past but I've largely given up because there's no central repo and no consolidation - I'd have been pretty pissed off if I'd contributed to webmedia's repo and he did this.

    When you make fixes, you're in effect helping to keep the plugin alive - encouraging others to make further fixes themselves. Then in future, you'll get the benefit of their changes. Everyone wins.

    I was always supsicious of the obsfucated code in the webmedia repo and no clear reason was given for it.

    where I found E2iplayer log?

    You need to enable logging first.

    • From the main screen, scroll down and select Configuration icon.
    • Scroll down near the end of the list to find "Debug logs"
    • Default is "no", change to "Yes, to file /hdd/iptv.dbg"

    and as it says you'll find the log file at /hdd/iptv.dbg

    Beware, the logging is dreadful. No timestamps :loudly crying face: I've no idea why Python's built-in logging library isn't being used. Anyone know?

    Both of the links I posted allow you to download an ipk file for the Blindspot76 version.


    This is supposed to be one of the most up-to-date forks of the original e2iplayer. It'll have fixes for some sites, and additional Hungarian ones.

    But so you're aware, a lot of stuff will still be broken.

    This link has an intall script for an older version (click the button under "Advance" to show) - - hopefully you can work it out from this.

    Different people have there versions, Mario or Webmedia1 for example, I would say, by looking at the updates on the repo's that Webmedia1 version would be the most up-to-date version and probably the 1 most people should go for.

    Unless those still working on e2i all want to band together to support 1 version only, and why should they, people will just have to choose from what is available, to many people want everything done for them so they have to put no effort into anything, that is what started all the issues with SSS.

    I get your point. I think most people who work on this, do it for themselves but publish for the benefit of other people. Ideally there would be lots of devs contributing, but how do you attract them? If much of it is broken, people are put off. If a new user has trouble getting it installed and working out where the latest versions of everything are - what hope of them transitioning to making contributions as a developer?

    hi all

    can we have at some point on this forum some uptodate e2player ipk or dep file with a quick info about the new update rather than keep changing it direct in the libs or other file locations because sometimes it messes the whole plugin specially this one which is the most used plugin on enigma boxes. and i think with this it will stop a lots of unecessary threads that just keep piling up on here at the same time it will be a big help for a lots of guys that do want make a good use of the boxes.


    Totally agree.

    I don't know which repo is the most up-to-date? Either zadmario or Webmedia1? maxbambi appears to have stopped updating.…/-/tree/master/IPTVPlayer

    All changes should be made via commits or merge requests to one of these repos in my opinion.

    I'm not sure if e2iplayer's update mechanism can pull updates via github rather than gitlab - anyone tried? It should be fairly easy to add new update sources and then there would be no need for downloading ipk (after first install) and no problem with mis-matching files.

    I delete and urlperer.pyo, then put your, restarted the box and got the following message:

    Some Plugins Are Not Available> Extensions / IPTVPlayer (Cannot Import Name Recaptcha_v3)

    My box is ZGEMMA H7, Open PLi Image, and I installed this e2player:


    This is the problem with sharing individual files via forum attachments - often they have a dependency on other files, so if you're not starting from the same base, it'll be hard to get it working. :crying:

    Maybe you have to trawl back through this thread and pick up all of the individual files posted by Panda555... and apply them in the correct order. checks the openssl version first and uses this to workout the correct ffmpeg package. Yours is 0.9.8.

    For later versions the full link (via zadmario) looks like this:…ibrtmp_native_rtmp.tar.gz

    Unfortunately the the openssl0.9.8 link isn't found. The original was via SamSamSam's page and is also not found.

    A solution might be to try to update your openssl version to 1.0.2 first and then retry

    Otherwise raise an issue with zadmario on gitlab: Maybe he'll have an archive somewhere.

    That sounds like you're effectively maintaining your own fork, comparing files, keeping old versions, etc. I doubt many are doing this.

    Would it not be easier for you to track via the commits page? eg:

    You could still post in the thread that a fix has been made to xyz-host but do the work as a git commit. You can then share the link to the updated file(s) in gitlab along with the commit link (showing all files changed with all their changes) or just the commit history link where you can find all that info.

    git gives each file its own history too, which is invaluable for tracking changes.

    Panda555, you're doing lots of great work here, but why don't you fork the zadmario repo and commit there?

    You could submit merge requests to zadmario.

    Another option would be for users here to edit the updates list file to add your repo.


    config.plugins.iptvplayer.gitlab_repo setting in


    Just an idea to make everything easier.:thumbup:

    What update server is best to use at the moment? No updates via maxbambi since July :(

    I think E2iplayer has been replaced by TS-E2iplayer:83:

    :( I really don't like all these different versions floating around - why can't everyone just work together on a single gitlab/github repository?

    How does TS-E2iplayer compare to E2iplayer? Why does it have a different name?

    Info on the TS-E2iplayer thread suggests it's based on the maxbambi E2iplayer repo anyway.

    EDIT: Please ignore below. It looks like a genuine problem with these domains.

    Can anyone help with this error? Various hosts are reporting this on my box.

    SSL_connect failed with error -341: record layer length error


    I wonder if an updated version of PyCurl is required? This is what's currently installed:

    PycURL/ libcurl/7.61.0 wolfSSL/3.15.3 zlib/1.2.11

    e2iplayer isn't listed in the PURE2-Team public repo on github.

    Might be better to ask on their forum.

    The first public posting of the updated ipk according to google was on this forum by egj_soldier - link.

    enigma1969 also posted a new ipk on that thread. That ipk references a github commit (e608870) which leads to this project on github: OpenVisionE2/e2iplayer-for-e2, but the commits their seem to mirror those in the main gitlab repo and don't include pr0n.