Posts by ferdi

    This is a choice that is made during compilation of svn; you should update the script so that it always uses the personal directory instead of the one used by the compiler

    how can I use your key in my reader oscam

    your key Constant CCW

    F 00140400 00 579F746A1BE3201E ;Free-X TV(13.0°E)
    F 00140400 01 0A8D2BC2AF08DC93 ;Free-X TV(13.0°E)

    label = my reader
    protocol = constcw
    device = /etc/tuxbox/config/
    caid = 2600,0500
    ident = 26000:000000,002600;0500:042300
    group = 1
    0500:042300:39D2:0028:0399::72 42 26 DA E9 3D 10 36 F9 A1 57 F1 BC 66 55 77 ;RTVi Europe (13.0°E)
    0500:042300:39D3:002C:039B::7B 7D 00 F8 AD 93 E7 27 35 7D FA AC 89 38 C4 85 ;RTVi Detskii Mir (13.0°E)
    0500:042300:39D4:002F:039A::9B 15 DA 8A 1E 2C A5 EF B4 68 00 1C 04 8A E4 72 ;RTVi Nashe Kino (13.0°E)


    There are many files with different structures such as :
    I 0622 06 E090D40D6CCCD688255AAA425EC70D8C ; C+Nederland (19°E)Mgcamd_1.35
    S 0080 0E 5396A05D977F0D9F ; CanalSat Astra 19.2°E
    V 022610 0E 38E27A647C1BC3CB4C059F6495FF1C6C ; Canalsat (19°E)
    2600:000000:02C7:02600:000000:0001:0032:08C0::22 22 22 66 22 22 22 66 22 22 22 66 22 22 22 66 ;TV 1 Bosnia (4.0°W)
    2C7:1FFF::23 04 65 8C 10 10 71 91 23 04 65 8C 10 10 71 91 ;Fox Life Greece (12.5W)
    N C102 00 5BCE65625FA4ED509594CE7C4B907ECB ; TV Globo

    I 0622 02 154A1A865DF48DED7115CDFF51977785 ;C+ Netherlands (19.2°E)
    S 0202 0C 2CC93E7580958F89 ; Rai
    W 0D0504 00 A9D732F5E738E48A91C8638B12746661 ; ORF (19.2E) ECM 00
    V 022610 08 DFB61C951AE2C57BDE0D4887B9614295 ;CSat (19.2°E)
    N C102 00 5BCE65625FA4ED509594CE7C4B907ECB ; TV Globo
    N C102 01 D7CBE93D30E2C9139107387457DB9023 ; TV Globo
    F 00641FFF 00 0208000A0307040D ; AL JAZEERA Biss
    F 00140400 00 579F746A1BE3201E ;Free-X TV(13.0°E)
    F 00140400 01 0A8D2BC2AF08DC93 ;Free-X TV(13.0°E)

    it's really hard for me to understand how to use these keys. Please help me

    I use oscam and I use this structure
    #ca4:id6:sid4:pmtpid4:ecmpid4:key16(01 02 03...
    #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.

    0500:041700:0014:0CF5:0CFB::57 9F 74 6A 1B E3 20 1E 0A 8D 2B C2 AF 08 DC 93; FreeX TV 13°E
    0500:041700:0013:0870:0CEF::57 9F 74 6A 1B E3 20 1E 0A 8D 2B C2 AF 08 DC 93 ; INXCT French Lover 13°E

    how can I use to fit my structure softcam.key ? - thanks

    I installed it this morning on dm7020hd, you must follow these steps carefully

    1) create dir /etc/tuxbox/config chmod 755
    2) place the oscam config files in /etc/tuxbox/config chmod 644
    3) place oscam (bin) in /usr/bin/ chmod 755
    4) edit /etc/init.d/dccamd
    /usr/bin/oscam -b -c /etc/tuxbox/config &

    This is all about and enjoy

    Place the oscam config files in /etc/tuxbox/config then edit the script so it uses the files in that location, the script is usually found in /usr/camscript or usr/script depending which image you use.

    This is clear for previous images, in the new OE2.0 there is no /usr/script or /usr/camscript.
    How I can solve, thanks

    the new image OE2.0 has the operating system Kernel 3.2 and it is completely different from previous versions based on kernel 2.6.
    I am using the previous versions and I know how to configure the emu.
    With the new OE2.0 I don't know where to place the files and the script needed to start the emu