Posts by s3n0


    I also recommend setting "penalty = 2" for example, let the user learn :). Then the user starts using the reshare. So then you have to do everything possible to limit or completely prohibit re-share. There are several ways. The one way is unfortunately breakable (BUG in Oscam), but I don't remember which one it is. But surely you should also disable re-share. Try searching in config manuals (oscam.user, oscam.conf, oscam.server), here:

    It can also be a potential user error if he accidentally ran 2 x Oscam in his set-top box. I recommend contacting the user first and compromising him. If he wants, then create him some other accounts. And don't forget to disable re-share (there are many ways to do this).

    LOL, so it doesn't work. This is the scripting language and the Linux shell respectively. You have to write what you don't understand and then can't explain it to you. It would take a long time to explain all the lines. You just need to learn how to use the Linux Shell (command-line) and then learn the POSIX syntax for writing Bash or Sh or other scripts :).

    If you knew at least the basics, you would know what to do. The start of your functional Oscam is on this line (the binary file is called the same - ie as "oscam"):

    /usr/bin/oscam -b &

    And it stops by hard blasting the service, on this line:

    killall -9 oscam 2>/dev/null

    Running a service like a daemon in the background using the character "&" at the end of the command is not the best solution, in my opinion. Correctly, Oscam as a daemon runs in the background via the argument "-b", so together:

    -b -r 2 -c /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam (of course, configuration path you can change as you need, or set to none)

    More info:

    If you'd like, you can find my improved Oscam start script (folder "/etc/init.d") here:

    It also depends on the distribution of the Enigma which you use, as the support of softcams or even the startup script itself may differ a bit (not always used to run such "init.d" script).

    Running another daemon is a bit of a long explanation. Editing and copying the start script (so caled "init.d" script) is not enough. After copying, renaming and modifying ("oscam" binary filename to "cccam" for example), you have to assign this script from the "/etc/init.d" folder to the run-level system.

    Which exactly inactivity do you mean ? Are you picking the right file ? :)

    Check where your configuration files are stored to see if the path to them has changed:

    Oscam Webif -> Files -> oscam.version -> and there please check the entry named as "ConfigDir"

    Will your configured value be lost after Oscam restart (with Oscam Webif restart) also ?

    Yes, maybe it's an old post (more than 365 days ago), but NOBODY answer. If someone is looking for an answer in the future, I will consider one of the possible solutions :).

    Add the following line into the CRON config-file "/etc/cron/crontab/root" (depending on the Enigma2 distribution, the path to the CRON configuration file may differ).

    0 6 */10 * *       /usr/bin/wget -q -O - "http://loginname:password@"

    The configuration entry at the beginning of the line means that refresh-entitlements in Oscam Webif will start automatically every 10 days, at 06:00.

    Please change :

    • login name
    • password
    • port number (if you changed it)
    • card-reader name ("reader_sci0" used in the example) you need.

    If you do not use any login and password (set in the file "oscam.conf"), then of course you can omit the entry "loginname:password" from the link.