Posts by s3n0

    What does LiveLOG look like ?

    What provider (CAID) and what type of card encoding ?

    What card reader is (internal / external / remote) ?

    What communication protocol do you use ?

    Does Oscam run only as a client, or just as a server or as a server + client in one ?

    What is meant by "oscam is activated" ?

    On all Linux or most of them, there should be a manual installation procedure (using and initializing the startup script in the "/etc/init.d" folder) - my procedure for Enigma is here: Tutorial : How to install softcam (OSCam/CCCam) manually, if you hate ipk packages

    You can also verify the functionality with a terminal (Telnet or SSH connection, for example using the PUTTY application for Windows).

    root@formuler3ip:~# find /usr/bin -name *cam*
    root@formuler3ip:~# ps -f -C oscam
    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
    root     31645     1  0 okt20 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/oscam -b -r 2 -c /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam
    root     31647 31645  0 okt20 ?        00:14:36 /usr/bin/oscam -b -r 2 -c /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam
    root@formuler3ip:~# netstat -pnltu | grep -i cam
    tcp        0      0 :::8888                 :::*                    LISTEN      31647/oscam
    • In the first case, you will verify that there is a binary file with the text "cam" in its name.
    • In the second case, you verify the "-c" argument (the directory with the Oscam configuration).
    • In the third case, you will verify the open port numbers for processes that contain the text "cam" (of course only if the Oscam process has not been renamed with a crazy name).

    Depending on the Oscam configuration (file "oscam.conf" - section "webif"), some Webif may also use port 83 and not just 8888 or another port.

    OpenPLi includes direct support for Softcams, although it uses a stream of tested versions and not immediately released new versions.

    Warning - do not mistake the git version with the oscam version ! There is currently an oscam r11539 (git10449+0210135-r0.0) version on the OpenPLi-7 feed server.

    opkg update
    opkg list | grep oscam
    cd /tmp
    opkg download <oscam_package_name>

    Then connect to your set-top box via an FTP connection and download the installation package to your PC from the "/tmp" folder.

    If you want newer IPK oscam packages, they can be found anywhere on the Internet. I personally prefer a manual way to install Softcams rather than automated IPK packages.

    Of course installation is also possible via the GUI MENU - on the RCU press the buttons in the following order: Plugin MENU> green button> "Softcams" folder

    I dont understand the question. CWs lines ? What do you mean ? If you want to check the LOG, I don't know how to do it in Mgcamd (you can find how-to on Google). Unfortunately, as I wrote above, I don't know Mgcamd because I don't use it. I see no reason to use it. Mgcamd doesn't know many features. I always use Oscam, in which I can set up more things than Mgcamd. Of course in Oscam is also very nice LOG record (adjustable as a file or only in Oscam Webif /Web-GUI/ ).

    Why there is user "anonymous" ? Are you using a remote reader or your internal reader directly on your device ? If internal, create or edit if you have the file "oscam.user":

    user     = dvbapi
    pwd      = 
    au       = 1
    group    = 1 

    ////////// EDIT :

    I see multiple IDs used in your LOG: 098D, 098C, 09C4, so block all these in the "oscam.conf" file (some IDs were missing in my post above):

    disablecrccws_only_for = 09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000;0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00

    However, I think in your case, there will be a mistake somewhere in the general Oscam configuration.

    Here is the main thread for SKY DE troubles:

    SKY DE

    If you don't solve your problem, try writing here (you should use the forum search and write right there).

    Perhaps there is a wrong config in version 1.38 (for example, only the default one, where the file extension is not renamed or where the box-type entry for Enigma is also missing). Copy the configuration files from 1.45a to 1.38 :). You can find the mgcamd configuration files in the "/usr/keys" folder (or "/var/keys").

    Also please check this:

    MGCamd Config for connecting to CCcam and Newcamd

    Especially don't forget to enable the AU {01} and change the box type to Enigma {06} or auto-detection {00}. Also check other mgcamd configuration settings to be sure.

    Do you have the following entry in the "oscam.server" file under your reader ?

    disablecrccws = 1…scam.server#disablecrccws

    Alternatively, you can also try to add the entry "disablecrccws_only_for" ... but reportedly it is not necessary. Inside the file "oscam.conf" under "global" section:

    disablecrccws_only_for = 09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000;0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00

    (I do not know your provider ID (CAID) on which you are experiencing image freezing problems.)

    You can also try to increase the CPU priority for the Oscam process - in the "oscam.conf" file in the "global" section.

    nice = -1…en/Config/oscam.conf#nice

    You have installed a softcam-feed source. You have installed a softcam - via Plugin MENU (or opkg manager). You activated it. OK.

    But I can't give you the Mgcamd configuration or give you advice. :) As I wrote above so unfortunately I do not know Mgcamd, sorry, so I can not advise well.

    Version 1.45 didn't work very well for me. I tested Mgcamd about six months ago. The old version 1.38 worked well for me. Also on a set top box with chipset architecture like you, ie. mipsel. Unfortunately, version 1.45 may include some fixes and without it some satellite cards in older version 1.38 may no longer work properly (maybe some troubles with the SKY DE provider). I do not know whether in version 1.38 developers are fixing bugs or only in the new version 1.45. For me, however, the 1.45 version was a problem (mipsel chipset). Maybe I just had the wrong configuration - I don't know.

    Apropó, why do you use Mgcamd ? The most popular is Oscam (multi-protocol softcam). It is both client and server in one. However, it is a bit more difficult to configure.

    Because your reader is probably more compatible with Smartreader than Phoenix. It doesn't matter anymore. It's just that the reader communicates with Oscam. Today the same thing is used everywhere. Today is such a time that we cannot talk about phoenix or smargo or smartreader cards. Usually the same FTDI chip is used everywhere and the "mouse" protocol is used everywhere.

    The physical switches may only be switched with the reader disconnected from the electricity (USB connector).

    I don't remember it anymore, but apparently if you switch the card to Smartreader mode and let it be reconnected in the set-top box, then it will be scanned as an "iSerial" device. After switching it is recommended to reboot the entire set-top box (Linux may tend to recognize the same USB port and device again, but there will be another driver).

    This is not a phoenix reader, but a "phoenix compatible" reader. And it just concerns perhaps the dimensions of the box :-D. The original ancient types had the main function of programming (writing and not reading) as the main purpose of use - that is, not for the purpose of sharing DVB decoder cards. Phoenix's original interface I have long seen no one.

    For the smartreader, did you use the correct notation and correct values ? I think, the frequency must be sets to 6 MHz (with the physical switch at cardreader) and autodetection also does not work in this case (I'm not sure - I don't use it).

    Try the command "lsusb" (if you don't have it, install it: opkg list | grep lsusb, then install: opkg install <package_name>). You'll also find out, like OscamWebif, which USB PID / VID belongs to your reader. If the "lsusb" command or Scan USB (in Oscam Webif) displays some iSerial data, you can also try to set these - that is, the entry "device = Serial:Serialdevicename" is used instead of the entry "device = bus:device". However, this should only work on full-featured Linux (such as Raspberry-Pi) and you have the Enigma platform / OpenATV firmware there (poor Linux). I mean something like this:

    device = Serial:Reader 2
    device = Serial:Reader xx
    device = Serial:Reader some_reader_name

    Also try adding the following for smartreader protocol:

    aeskey = 0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10


    Since 2019, OpenATV has been using the new and only one way to launch Softcams. OpenATV no longer uses "/etc/*.emu" files to run and support Softcams. This means that older IPK packages will not work. Now the start script must be placed in the "/etc/init.d" folder and named as "softcam.<your_softcam_name>", so for your mgcamd this will be named as follows: "/etc/init.d/softcam.mgcamd".

    I recommend installing a new Softcam feed with OpenATV installation packages in OpenATV, as the old feed sources already use many unusable OpenATV IPK packages.

    This feed extension is very good for OpenATV (it will show up between plugins after installing and restarting):

    OpenATV SoftCam Feed

    In this forum thread, I recommend using the first procedure, using Shell / command-line (using "wget" command), to install an additional softcam-feed in OpenATV.

    Then restart the set-top box and the Softcams item will also appear in the Plugins-MENU. After you have installed a Softcam (mgcamd), the SoftcamPanel is also displayed. So install Mgcamd and then activate it via SoftcamPanel.

    Use the reader in "Smartcard" mode instead of "Phoenix". Set the frequency to auto-detect (leave the frequency configuration in oscam.server file). As described on the web, the card reader contains an FTDI chip for serial communication, so the reader could operate via the "mouse" protocol. It looks like a classic reader that is produced nowadays.

    Configuration examples you can found here:…B-Mouse_kompatible_Reader

    As first, try to set the protocol "mouse":

    label           = reader_ttyUSB0
    protocol        = mouse
    device          = /dev/ttyUSB0
    detect          = cd
    group           = 1

    Then, IMHO, as better to use will the protocol "smartreader":

    label           = reader_ttyUSB0
    protocol        = smartreader
    device          = 001:002
    # find out the right value for device, via the Open-Webif: READERS -> Scan USB -> and recognize correct values by reader ID
    group           = 1

    Open OscamWebif in a web browser and check if your build version supports the reader: FILES -> oscam.version -> "cardreader_phoenix: Yes" and "cardreader_mp35: Yes"

    Not each phoenix is the same phoenix. External readers exist today in different types. What type of reader do you own ? Are there any configuration physical switches ? What does an attempt to initialize a reader look like through OscamWebif - LiveLOG ?

    The protocol probably does not necessarily have to be "mp35" and the frequency is used I think 6.00 MHz (mhz=600).

    Hello, instead of restart and everything, I'd like to create a script to reload only its config file (oscam.server) so that I can launch it as a script or I can create a cron.

    Is it possible to do that?


    Why didn't you open a separate TOPIC ?

    This discussion thread is about a different problem !

    What exactly do you mean by reloading "oscam.server" ? Do you mean reload all readers - restart them ? For this, there was a SIGHUP signal for the oscam process, but there was always a problem with it and I don't know if it still works:

    killall -SIGHUP oscam or killall -HUP oscam

    Next, it would be necessary to add the following entries to the "oscam.conf" file (you only care about "reload_readers", so just try to add this one item there):

    reload_useraccounts           = 1
    reload_readers                = 1
    reload_provid                 = 1
    reload_services_ids           = 1
    reload_tier_ids               = 1
    reload_fakecws                = 1
    reload_ac_stat                = 1
    reload_log                    = 1

    Depending on what you need, you could theoretically also use an Oscam-Webif call with the "wget" command.

    - to reload readers with helping of the OscamWebif:

    wget -q -O - "http://loginname:password@"

    - example for CRON (scheduled every 10 days, at 06:00), for Entitlements refreshment with Oscam-Webif:

    0 6 */10 * *         /usr/bin/wget -q -O - "http://loginname:password@"

    Otherwise, if anyone is interested, I also modified my starting bash script (on my Github you will find this script "/etc/init.d/softcam" in the basic version, without modifying auto-restart on crash). I edited this script for a friend esuo2 . The script runs in the background to test if the Oscam crashes, and if so, I'll start the oscam process again. The "fInfiniteLoop()" function runs continuously and verifies every 5 seconds that a process called "oscam" is running.

    I don't understand people who need autorestart when crashing Oscam, because Oscam really can't fall or freeze - if that happens it's bad and the problem needs to be solved!

    Discussions about SKY DE configuration can be found on this forum anywhere. I don't use SKY DE, so I don't advise. For example:

    SKY DE


    I don't understand. You want OpenATV ? And now you have OpenVIX ? Where is the problem ? Back up your data, download OpenATV and flash it instead of OpenVIX :).

    Which Enigma do you want softcam (Oscam) for ? For OpenATV or for OpenVIX ?

    I don't know OpenVIX well. Maybe a manual installation procedure would also work for OpenVIX:

    Tutorial : How to install softcam (OSCam/CCCam) manually, if you hate ipk packages

    However, it should work everywhere (the procedure is based on Linux, not for Enigma, so it should work everywhere).

    There are also softcam-feed extensions for OpenATV and some other Enigma. Softcam Feeds Download and install another OpenATV feed server. Then you select which softcam you want and install it as a plugin.

    Check the syntax and sequence of characters used (semicolons, colons, commas, at signs) !

    It depends on them !

    port = 15000@1234:000000;15001@5678:000000;15002@0980:00000A

    # (CAID 1234 connected with port 15000 ; CAID 5678 with port 15001 ; CAID 0980 with port 15002)…am.conf#Newcamd_.28TCP.29…/Config/oscam.conf#port_6



    HakenRot.png parameter is required

    TCP port/DES key/CAID/ident definitions. Each CAID requires a separate port. If you don't specify a DES key for a port, the default DES Key will be used!

    port = port[{DES key}]@CAID[:ident][,ident]...[;port[{DES key}]@CAID[:ident][,ident]...]...


    port = 15000@1234:000000 # (CAID 1234 connected with port 15000)
    port = 15000@1234:000000;15001@5678:000000 # (CAID 1234 connected with port 15000; CAID 5678 with port 15001)


    port = port@caid:ident


    What about trying an alternative Softcams feed server (it will be included in your Enigma plugins).

    Softcam Feeds

    You can try any Softcams-feed extension as theoretically. But most of them are specific to a particular edition of Enigma (which you haven't mentioned !), as the included IPK packages also strive for compatibility when using the GUI.

    However, if you don't need GUI support in MENU (via RCU), you can use your own bin-file installation.

    Tutorial : How to install softcam (OSCam/CCCam) manually, if you hate ipk packages

    Why do you want to use the IPK package for softcam installation ? IPK packages are limited to a specific chipset and also to a particular Enigma.

    IPK packages are for stupid secretaries whom the director of the company instructed to install a new YouTube plugin for example :-D after brewing coffee. You would certainly be able to handle the manual installation procedure. Anyway, the problem is not installing softcams, but unfortunately their correct configuration!

    What you write Phoenixx can automatically do bash-script, even run directly from the github website of my profile :).

    - the bash script:…

    - command-line:

    wget -O - -q --no-check-certificate "" | bash

    But first I want to know what Enigma he uses. Because there may be minor differences - for example, the difference in the type of softcam trigger used in a particular Enigma, or the difference in non-existent some libraries that are required for Oscam and may be missing in older Enigma (libraries or compatible symbolic links).

    Please, use the translator:

    I'm sorry, but I still don't understand exactly.

    I understand that everything works basically without any problems.

    Only when you start pulling ECM packets with an oscam-client installed on your Linux-PC, from a satellite card that is stored in your oscam-server on a set-top-box, will the satellite channel start to tear on the set-top-box screen ( the one you are currently watching) ? Right ?