Posts by capoeira19

    That ECM time is too high to be considered stable.

    I had no idea half a sec. response time is considered high and can be the cause of freezes. Thanks.

    It could be fake/bad ecms, You could try enabling doublecheck.

    Just enabled it and ECM times jumped to 2.5s (Live Log also shows ssomething called real time which is new to me) So far so good I will test it out.

    By the way do you know where I can download a nice clean and latest oscam conf ? I think my installed version is very far off the default

    I know from previous experience when I encountered a lot of freezing and when I checked Live Log in OSCam Webinterface I've seen disconnects or timeouts etc. And fair enough I did understand the issue is with my line provider. At the moment I found a stable provider and have none of these issues (In fact I have multiple lines from different providers) and there are no timeouts or anything in the Live Log ecm report found within 500-600ms despite that my picture does freeze occasionally and I'm at a loss because I can't figure out why, what should be my next steps to diagnose the issue?

    My setup is

    Zgemma H9S (LAN connection - stable internet)

    Latest OpenATV 7.3

    OSCam: CyCeCplus Build: r11718

    Thanks to the new config I finally see logs error. Can someone explain to me why does this happen or is it just provider issue and there is nothing I can do ( mean this: "#CW=00000000000000000000000000000000 HOP:01): not found". Logs below

    I have just updated my configs I found here created by user atari, I don't want to jinx it but it seems to be a bit better, so far I had maybe 2 or 3 freezes and I'm running this for about 2 hours. I also did not see any time-out in the live log when it happened. I also attached reader ecm info.

    I am fairly new to this but perhaps someone can help me out. Occasionally (maybe 3-4 times every 30min) the image freezes, I can either wait for about 10s or I can change channel back and forward and restart the picture straight a way. Is there something I can do to improve this like minimize the freeze time or eliminate it or something?


    cccam lines converted to oscam (default config)

    Oscam 1.20

    openatv 6.4