Posts by pau1777

    Ok I have done all of that, setup the usb stick in my computer identified my router and put the wep key in.
    I have plugged the usb stick into the dm800, rebooted and nothing there is no option to enable wifi, in adapter setting it says connection unplugged.
    What else can I be doing wrong?

    Hi again:71:
    Now Ive setup most things on my dm800 I wanted to make my box wifi.
    Ive been trying to read around this and I have a Dlink g122 which I think is fine with the dm800.
    How do I activate the wifi on the box so I can enter the WEP key?
    Do I need to download any drivers or plugins to make this happen? I have gone into my network settings and there is no wifi option to enable.

    Thanks agaion for your help:47_002:

    Unzip the file then ftp the info & switch bh.tgz files to tmp without extracting them. Then manually install via blackhole addon manager.

    OK I have done that and it says installed. Now what do I do?
    I can not seem to find the addon anywhere.

    Is there any way of disabling c-lines without actually deleting them or prioritising lines for certain packages?

    I have a few c-lines one in particular is great for certain packages but awful on another. When I try to use that package it freezes a great deal. I have another c-line that works on that package without any problems.

    Whenever I try to watch that package my box tends to use the line that freezes and will not use the one that does not.
    Is there any workaround for this?

    I've installed Multiquick button modified for D.E blackhole images.
    I press the red button and nothing happens apart from a small box at the top of the screen with a line across it. Is there something else I need to do?

    Also is there somewhere specific that I should ftp the picons too? Or do I make a folder for them?
    Thanks again

    OK I have downloaded and installed the channel list and I've installed the cool list. I can press the blue button and I get the cool TV guide:20_003:
    Is there a way I can get the guid up with a single button press? Does the quick button plugin work on the dm800?

    Also how do I install the picons and make them work with the guide?
    Sorry again for all the questions!

    Its started doing a full channel scan for some reason! Not sure what happened there but I will let it scan as some of the channels that I added are out of date. Will give it a go again once the channel scan has finished!

    Just another quick question!
    I have the Blackhole image installed on my dm800 as I though that this would be the best for epg.
    I have downloaded the latest epg and it has installed fine, my question is is there a way of making the interface more "informative" on the screen. Mine comes up with now and next, then I will have to press the blue button to see what is on after that etc.
    Is there a way of getting the interface to display what is on for say the next 2-3 hours (much like the Say UK interface on the digibox) as my other half complains when she can not see it all in one screen:62:
    Thanks again for any help.