Posts by afoenis

    Sorry if i waste your time with my probleme guys. Thanks a lot for your help. I will search on google how i can do that. If anyone find a easy way how i can do it, please send me a PM and i will post a tut here for the other members.

    Best Regards

    Or can it be anything with double login ? Because sometimes i see someting loke that:

    "XXXX" already connected..

    The probleme is i don't know how to install fail2bon properly, i tried different tuts on different forums but no one working for me. Anyone know how to install fail2ban good on Ubunutu 10.04 ?

    My lo file is like that:

    Hello members,

    I posted this in the other help section.

    I have 2 big problems in my Ubuntu CCcam Server.

    1.Well, there are 2 providers i watch a lot me and my family: CSAT end JSC. So i have a some very good peers with never any freezes, with very good ping and high speed internet connection in Europe. I have some family members and i gave them all a cline to watch from my server ( no payserver !!! ). Well, when we watch all different channels on CSAT each 5 min we got a lot of freezes and sometimes each 2 minutes. When we catch other providers like Canal Digital or JSC or *** it we have never freeze, even when we watch all the same channels. The only probleme is CSAT. I have more than 10 very good peers with CSAT. Anyone a solution please ?

    2. So when i check the folder /tmp i have a warning.txt with a lot of IP's like in Bosnia or China and more. When i delete that file i get after 1 min more than 100 IP's. I know that i can block them with iptable but it's too much to block them all one after one. Is there any way that iptable block them automaticly ?

    Thanks in advance

    P.S And to show how much the help would be aprecied i donated to this great forum

    Try using oscam as card reader on your DM7020, create an n line with 256 trick and use it on your vps in germany which will need CCcam 2.1.3.

    Hi and thanks for your answer.
    How can i use oscam ? I never used that and i don't know how to make a n line. I only use CCcam.Please can you explain me ?


    i just installed my CCcam server in my new VPS without any problems. Everything is working fine. The only thing that i can't find is how can i do it with my locals ? My vps is in Germany. Before i used my Dreambox 7020 for my CCcam server. Please can anyone help me how i can connect my locals to my VPS server ?

    Thanks in advance