Posts by newtolinux

    130m/s is the norm i think for your card . If you are having slow request/replies over your wan due to the likes of packet loss on your isp then this does cause cccam to glitch as it sees the request as a bad command in the debug log. Again bad coding on the part of cccam. Also if you running in a debug log check you have no peers logging in twice ( trying to log in twice ) as this will also cause cccam to glitch . For your card you are better reading in oscam and using mgcamd as your internal emu anyway as this way your card will be kept updated also


    the text It works is apache's default holding page . In your oscam.conf you would have had a webif section. Note the port you used there !!! then goto the ip of your server and the port number and you should get the oscam webif


    use cccam webinfo if running card in cccam . You will not be able to grab any info from card in vu box whilst in common interface mode . Have you an old non linux receiver lying around with a multicrpyt embedded card slot ??


    You must be using vermin as your isp by your quoted speeds . You say the isp can't monitor traffic ; sorry but rubbish !!! 100% they can . Otherwise it would be as simple as changing ports for torrents to get around traffic shaping. Whether you use port 110 , 12000 , 6666 whatever it doesn't matter . An isp who conducts dpi ( deep packet inspection ) on their network can see in an instant what your traffic is all about . For sure using a similar port to something else may keep you under the radar so to speak. On vermin media try port 5223 ( PS3 network gaming port ) runs like a train with very little dropouts !!!

    Now your spike in ecm times ...... Log to your linux server if you have one and run ping to somewhere like the bbc as root user. Leave this running for about an hour or so . Then still as root in telnet window which should still be open with ping running press CTRL + C . This will now close ping function but give you a result based over the hour with packet loss % . Packet loss would for sure explain your high spikes of ecm if you are certain that your internal setup with card etc is ok


    ok , first things first

    as root user run command lsusb again to confirm the bus:device of your smargo. change if necessary in your oscam.server config

    in oscam.server section you have protocol=smartreader+ ... change this to smartreader and leave out the +

    try that and report back

    good luck


    get a real one not a clone one . Your best to visit the site sponser and get a real one buddy. Clones can come with all sorts of firmware which cant be rolled back to an earlier state.


    it is possible on a dm800 with certain image and certain convertor chipset . See below copy and pasted with thanks to me1960 on other board.

    how to :

    1. Buy a USB - RS232 cable adapter with chipset PL-2303.

    2. Connect the infinity USB to your windows computer. Launch the infinity program. In Options, tell your inifinity card reader to start in phoenix mode. Plug out your infinity USB. Now when you plug back the power on the led turns red (not green).

    3. Take your brand new cable and connect the RS232 to your inifinity and at the other side, the USB to your dreambox. Use the second USB cable of the inifinity to bring it the 5 V power. Yes, the cardreader will use both of the 2 usb ports of the DM800 ...

    4. If you use gemini, go in kernel options (2X blue button and choose kernel) and activate the PL-2303 driver for external USB cardreader.

    5. Edit your cccam config with these lines :
    SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 phoenix
    SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 3570000 (or more if you know what you're doing)
    CAMKEY: /dev/ttyUSB0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    CAMDATA: /dev/ttyUSB0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0

    I'm not sure all these lines are usefull but I found it was working with that

    6. Start a telnet session and write : mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
    Everything should work now... Until your next boot.

    7. To make it work each time you reboot, edit /usr/script/ with a linux compatible editor like DCC.
    Add the previsous line ; there for example :
    # end
    mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0

    if possible on a dm800 then must be possible in all linux disto's. But the usb 2 serial convertor chipset is the key !!!!!!!!!!!!
