Posts by humaxboy1

    Do you mean rytec.sources.xml file?

    Of course,my mistake.

    <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="/path/to/file/rytec.channels.xml"

    Aha, so if I use rytec.channels.xml in the same folder as before etc/epgimport then it has to be

    <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="/etc/epgimport/rytec.channels.xml" ?

    I've just tested : it is working !

    One additional and indirect question regarding Epgimport: i have a problem when my STB boots up.

    I have a script


    sleep 3

    ntpdate -b -s -u

    exit 0

    which does the synhronication of exact time. But when this is done, STB is already booted and shows usually wrong time and 1-2 sec later the ntpdate seems to be done but that why no epg is shown automatically and I have to do the epg import manually once again. Is there a solution for that ?

    Sorry pepsik, was a few days away...Here are my files that I use :

    a) rytec.channels.xml file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <sourcecat sourcecatname="My EPG XMLTV">

    <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="rytec.channels.xml">

    <description>Hrvatska - Dodatni</description>



    <source type="gen_xmltv" nocheck="1" channels="rytec.channels.xml">

    <description>Hrvatska - Osnovni</description>






    b) rytec.channels.xml file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <channel id="PlanetTV.svn">1:0:1:15B3:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="Planet2.svn">1:0:1:7FD3:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="PlanetPLUS.svn">1:0:1:7E40:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="Slo1.svn">1:0:1:4999:0:0:990000:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="Slo2.svn">1:0:1:5999:0:0:600000:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="Slo3.svn">1:0:1:144:0:0:5FFFFA:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="TV3Medias.svn">1:0:1:223D:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>

    <channel id="KanalA.svn">1:0:1:7A:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel>



    Thanks for pointing out what am I doing wrong, so that your 1.9.1 is not working right.

    pepsik - thanks for replying. I saw "Unsupported scheme" in the log and that's is why i was wondering why it is not working. I was using the original EPGimport for a really long time and i wanted to try yours, of course. On 1.9.1. i got mentioned error, on 1.8.9 everything works perfect, tested withh exactly the same 2 files. As you said i am using my own rytec.channels.xml and for sure i have to get deep into xml file to figure out what is wrong. I would say it is problem with some tags used in my xml file. I will test it and in a few days i will get back to you with results, hopefully :smiling face:...

    One question : did you change from 1.8.9 to 1.9.1. any logic regarding validation of channels.xml file ?

    Hi Pepsik...i can confirm what sarsan said. Version 1.8.9 works flawless, with 1.9.1 not.


    [EPGImport] Downloading: to local path: /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] Not checking the server since nocheck is set for:

    [EPGImport] afterDownload /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] unlink /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None

    [EPGImport] ### using twisted thread, yay!

    [EPGConfig] Enumerating channels lookup table XML file

    [EPGConfig] Processed: 96 channels

    [EPGConfig] Formed lookup table for: 96 channels id

    [XMLTVConverter] Enumerating XMLTV event information

    [XMLTVConverter] Keep outdated EPG set to: 00:00:00

    Processed 20037 events in 00:00:03 or ~5543 per second


    [EPGImport] Downloading: to local path: /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] Not checking the server since nocheck is set for:

    [EPGImport] afterDownload /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] unlink /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] download failed: Unsupported scheme: rytec.channels.xml

    [EPGImport] Downloading: to local path: /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] Not checking the server since nocheck is set for:

    [EPGImport] afterDownload /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] unlink /media/hdd/epgimport.tmp

    [EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None

    [EPGImport] ### using twisted thread, yay!

    [XMLTVConverter] There is nothing no enumerate. There are no channels loaded

    Same source and channel file, just tested both....