Posts by TigTex

    It seems that AAC passthrough is broken on these newer images (I cannot pinpoint exactly when it broke, sorry). Disabling AAC downmix results in no audio. Before it would send a dolby audio signal.

    opkg update + opkg upgrade also tries to rewrite the full system which fails due to lack of storage.

    This device also runs extremely low on RAM. Enabling ZRAM would be beneficial to avoid crashing due to out of memory

    Use icam from samur

    OpenPLI is GPL v2 licensed. If you modify it, you must share the modified sources or you are breaching the GPL v2 agreement.

    This is a community where people help each other. We will never evolve if any advancement is made private and you are already known to the scene so you should know this better than anyone.

    Unfortunately, this is where we stand now. Multiple private oscam builds with whatever changes inside that may compromise our privacy, burn our house or kill our cat.

    I wish people would just work together and send patches to upstream. We would have much better chances in clearing all services.

    HDD is not working! a driver instal from HDD give green display

    HDD works for recording and playback. But it does not work when installing plugins (green screen). This is true for both the clone and the original. Please correct if possible. I leave the crash log

    Thank you

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 223, in processDelay
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MediaScanner/", line 24, in mountpoint_choosen
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 181, in scanDevice
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 662, in getBlockDevInfo
    TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

    It seems that your HDD has an unformatted or unrecognized partition. Make sure that your HDD only has 1 primary partition and it's in fat32 / ext2 / ext3

    Latest build has issues with opkg

    Here's the output of opkg list-upgradable

    Yes. Loadbalancer reduces the load on the network but will increase your response times.

    Use this formula to have better a good balance between ECM requests and response times

    Number of best readers = number of total readers / 5 (rounded to the lowest number)

    Example, you have 10 readers, select 2 as number of best readers.

    Make sure that you prioritize your local card by using preferlocalcards = 2

    Just to let you known that the sim2 2022-04-17 image has crashed on me randomly for 2 times while the system is in standby mode.

    When it happens, I can't ping the receiver and pressing the power button does nothing. Only a complete power off and power on solves the problem.

    Note: This wasn't a problem with openpli4. I also use a usb thumbdrive as swap, just in case the device runs out of memory.

    No logs were obtained during those crashes