Posts by jocke90s

    I just want to try this plugin once. But its not possible, I tried everything.

    I downloaded this from dream elite feed.

    Can someone help me? I just want to see How it looks when provider details is activated. I use dreambox dm900… its not possible for me to se the Mac details either. On the plugin I mean.

    I put in two iptv provider.

    It says ”error urlopen error inköpen url type”

    But I know my details is correct.

    you have to download the zip file of the skin. you have to extract them on your pc to folder/ then open filezilla on pc connect to your box then go to folder : usr - lib - enigma - python. on your pc then open on small the folder you downloaded the zip file then move the components and the plugin folders both to the python folder on the filezilla to your box. then go on filezilla to: usr - share - enigma 2 - and put the file extremegoldenFHD that is in the zip file to the enigma2 folder in filezilla. after you done that. go to your box (it worked for me on openpli 8.3 or 8.1 not 9.0) and do restart then go to gui skin and you will find there the skin to install. :winking face: good luck

    Thank you. I need to try this out, :)

    To be fair I use a cabletvbox. But like hardware is not my thing, Im more of a software Guy.

    I Will never open my dreambox or another iptv box either. Thats for a tech guy or factory to do :)

    I can not point out a single thing. Maybe the motherboard or the firm

    This is a motherboard from the DM900, there is no display module and a replaceable tuner. There I highlighted in red these two hdmi connectors input and output. The tracks show that they are connected directly from the CPU.And it's not hard to open the receiver, everything is done for you, you can watch the Internet on Johnny's forum.…awings-pcb-images-etc.48/

    Thank you for showing me. So if dm900 had a quadcom CPU it could show me 4k

    Channels from Nordic one and rapid tv (nxt)

    But its not possible to fix this then? I only need to use another receiver with another processor.

    Oh okey. Sorry But I thought only proccesor was for the speed of the receiver. As for computers, mobile phones etc. I always thought processor was for speed.

    find the video card in this photo that is responsible for the video signal,

    Show me in the satellite tuner on the Bradcom where at least one of them has a video card?

    :rolling on the floor laughing: :rolling on the floor laughing: :rolling on the floor laughing:

    To be fair I use a cabletvbox. But like hardware is not my thing, Im more of a software Guy.

    I Will never open my dreambox or another iptv box either. Thats for a tech guy or factory to do :)

    I can not point out a single thing. Maybe the motherboard or the firm

    Yes But strange it worked well with both dream one and vu zero

    :rolling on the floor laughing: so what do these receivers have to do with 900/920? completely different processors, dream 1/2 on amlogic , zero4k on BCM 72604 -see the specifications and you will understand everything

    above in the message I gave you a hint why this situation is on 900.920, I will not say, but I think that on solo4k and uno 4k / uno4k SE it is the same as on dm9xx. because the processors are BCM 7251 and BCM7252

    Oh okey. Sorry But I thought only proccesor was for the speed of the receiver. As for computers, mobile phones etc. I always thought processor was for speed.

    I thought it was a graphic card or something else that had to do with picture (4K, HD etc)

    I feel like an idiot now. :upside down face:

    Now I have bought dm900 and several of the 4K channels dont work.

    MPEG-2/H.264 decoder (Full HD)

    H.265 decoder (Ultra HD)

    I would venture to assume from the manufacturer's stated characteristics that if the iptv provider gives a 4k channel in H.264, then the receiver does not recognize it, so there may be only the sound of the channel - there will be no video.and there should be 4k in H.265 .And in my opinion, it is the processor itself with such characteristics and codec or updated drivers that cannot solve the problem.

    Yes But strange it worked well with both dream one and vu zero

    Check the various links with VLC, to see if there is differences between them, also could be the definition/size of the video, you see all about codec and definition on VLC, then you can compare what works and what doesn't.


    Okey. So I Will try the vlc plugin or on computer?

    I have a problem regarding iptv.

    I had some stb boxes in the past. Both dreambox one and vu zero 4K.

    Now I have bought dm900 and several of the 4K channels dont work. Its not 4K channels like fashion tv or nature. These work perfect.

    But 4K channels by the providerlike for example -flying over Sweden 4K =dont work

    UHD movies channel (rapid iptv) =dont work on dm900. it does not matter What image. Same issue.

    But on dreambox one and vu zero 4K these 4K channels work.

    I wonder do dm900 lacks videocodec or something like that? Its strange to me..