Posts by sokolam

    And is cccam in oscam an option for e.g. free users?

    For example, the user enters any login and password and the server lets him in?

    Free test for users. Without adding logins to oscam?

    Why would you want to have just one port?

    Is this three different newcamd servers you are trying to reshare on your own port?

    Please explain more about your setup.

    Not one server with different packages. I want 1 port to be responsible for all packets ... Nc +, polsat, digit + etc.

    Hello. I am writing through a translator. I have a problem. In oscam I want 1 newcamd port for all cards. Now I have 3 ports:

    port        = 6666{0102030405060708091011121314}@0100:0000000,0000068,0000065;6667@1803:0000000,0000001,0007001,0007101,0008C11,0008D11;6668@1884:0000000;6669{0102030405060708091011121314}@0B00:0000000
    key         = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keepalive   = 1
    mgclient    = 1

    And I want 1 newcamd port to connect to all caids