Posts by Danivil

    Hey guys. Today I got into OScam webif by web browser( ip address + :8888) and typed a line in oscam.conf, which apparently shouldn't be there and now the channels don't work(only fta working) and I can't enter OScam through the browser. I am able to enter through TotalCommander. I would like to add that I entered disablecrcccws = 1 in the oscam.conf tab (originally the content of this tab was empty - something like "file does not exist" was displayed). I have already tried to change http allowed but it did not work. I put oscam.conf and oscam.user in the attachment from tuxbox / oscam path. There is also a file with the same name(oscam.conf) in tuxbox / config, and there was this line in that file, which I unnecessarily added. I deleted it and left the file empty as at the beginning, but it didn't help. Please help.