Posts by leroi1990

    You miss the point, the EMU protocol can not be reshared in that manner.

    based on my understanding, EMU is a CAM emulator that can read the keys from SoftCam.key and share them with clients.

    and I have a streaming server that is running Cesbo Astra and I add #biss=11223344556677 to the output to scramble my stream. I can descramble the stream if I added the same BISS key to the input of another stream.

    So, I thought if EMU is sharing the keys inside the SoftCam.key instead of using a real CAM module then I can add my keys inside SoftCam.key to share them with the clients.

    so what I am missing here ?


    I am trying to config EMU reader but the log shows that the user is connected but it doesn't get any keys.

    this my log:
