Posts by taras-ua

    Key updater script for AFN package channels

    the patcher only works successfully if my softcam.key file is in the path
    0:/etc/tuxbox/config/ while the operation of the cmd line first indicates that the softcam.key file is not found in the oscamicam folder (which is logical, because softcam.key is not there) and then indicates that this file has been successfully patched))
    everything is ok, the AFN package has started and works, but there is another problem, the channels encoded in biss do not open because the softcam.key file is not in the oscamicam folder, how in this case to make AFN patched and the channels encoded in biss opened ?
    alerts this message in the logs: "unable to resolve user address port, error: name or service not known"?

    There are two possible solutions for decoding error:

    • Convert your SoftCam.key file to UTF-8 and save it on the receiver. You can use Notepad++ on Windows or any other tool. See screenshot attached.
    • Replace line 161 fragment line.decode('utf-8')): with line.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')):

    Updated attached.


    Is it possible to make this script for other forums?

    Yes, sure. For which one, for example?

    The script uses specific channels only.

    Maybe already mentioned before, but I run my own local oscam server on a Pi. Want to use this script, but you can't ftp to yourself ;-). Did anybody succeed in achieving this by adapting this script or can this script be adapted to we have an option like --local (yes/no). I'm not a (python) programmer so I can't do it myself

    "but you can't ftp to yourself"
    Definitely, you can :-) Use IP as a localhost, or provide proper IP if FTP server runs on the dedicated interface.

    Ok, I will give it a try again. Will check if an FTP server is running (don't know yet). Maybe the login details used were not necessary.. Thanks for the help!

    Script updated with argument --oscam-local true. Please download from the first message.

    Maybe already mentioned before, but I run my own local oscam server on a Pi. Want to use this script, but you can't ftp to yourself ;-). Did anybody succeed in achieving this by adapting this script or can this script be adapted to we have an option like --local (yes/no). I'm not a (python) programmer so I can't do it myself

    "but you can't ftp to yourself"
    Definitely, you can :-) Use IP as a localhost, or provide proper IP if FTP server runs on the dedicated interface.

    I downloaded oscam.config from your post and in disablecrccws_only_for is added 0E00 for AFN as global. Try to change it

    with some other softcam.key who must be also copied in oscamicam folder. But now you have problem with AU. I don't see the

    reason why oscamicam can't make AU for AFN ? For watching skyde you must have some servers who will add in oscam.server

    or what is better install freeserver plugin. I have installed oscam emu by samur v. 11718 im my image and it works both , AFN with AU

    and skyde , but with freezes of picture. You decision is now , keep oscamicam or install oscam emu by samur.

    nstalled enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam_11718-emu-icam by samur reformatted SoftCam.key file to UTF-8, patched and everything worked

    In case you still do not have AU just try to add these lines at the end of your SoftCam.Key

    And remove all lines like P 0009FFFF ....

    the patcher only works successfully if my softcam.key file is in the path
    0:/etc/tuxbox/config/ while the operation of the cmd line first indicates that the softcam.key file is not found in the oscamicam folder (which is logical, because softcam.key is not there) and then indicates that this file has been successfully patched))
    everything is ok, the AFN package has started and works, but there is another problem, the channels encoded in biss do not open because the softcam.key file is not in the oscamicam folder, how in this case to make AFN patched and the channels encoded in biss opened ?
    alerts this message in the logs: "unable to resolve user address port, error: name or service not known"?

    There are two possible solutions for decoding error:

    • Convert your SoftCam.key file to UTF-8 and save it on the receiver. You can use Notepad++ on Windows or any other tool. See screenshot attached.
    • Replace line 161 fragment line.decode('utf-8')): with line.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')):

    Updated attached.

    what am i doing wrong
    I set the appropriate command in the cmd line, I did it both with and without a telnet connection?

    In the first screenshot, you have a typo in command pytho3 instead of python3.

    Just try to run python3 --version

    receiver ustym4kpro
    operating system-enigma2 openATV 7.3
    my oskam ikam version:
    11725-V9-Kitte888-V26, also 11718-emu-icam from samur
    0:/usr/script/ - this path does not run the command when the file "python3" is located here
    0:/usr/lib/python3.11/ - this path also does not launch the command when the file "python3" is located here
    0:/home/root/ - this is the only way to start the command when the "python3" file downloaded from the forum is here with the final result shown on the screen..

    You should provide receiver FTP credentials in the command line if they differ from default root:

    python3 --ip --login <FTP_LOGIN> --password <FTP_PASSWORD>

    Be also aware that for receiver ustym4kpro you should set up login/password for FTP after clean image installation.