Posts by ni_hao

    Some remarks to the script.
    Script is not monkey-proof, because when you have an underscore ("_") in the directory names (as I have), script does not create the files due to the statement: "AWK - F "_" ....".

    Minor remarks:
    - why is in the script "$PWD"? $PWD is never used.
    - in the beginning the paths (variables) are checked and - if not exist - a backslash ("/") is added as last character, however this will cause double backslashes in: for file in "$PathToPiconPNG"/*.png (this is a minor remark, since if will not effect the script)

    pr2: thanks for the script. Tried it on a dreambox 8K with 8GB USB.
    The dir (paths) for picons and piconsTPL are (of course) at that USB (/media/usb2).
    When running the script at my dm8K i see after some time several errors (see below). I aborted the script and immediatly did a df -h (see below)

    As you can see enough space, so why that error...?