Posts by crnjabl

    I want to setup these 2 cams to work together on dreambox. I use OpenPli based image. Reason I want this is bulcrypt encryption that cccam doesn't recognise. Tried oscam but don't like. It's too complicated. :59:
    Is there posibility to make this happen?
    Found something on linuxsat but it only works on BH image.

    Still there is option to block sids in F line that i don't won't to allowed my clients.

    F: user pass 3 0 1 { 0:0:3 } { 0b00:000000:xxxxx } { } change-to-user's-ip

    But problem is that there are hundreds of those sids for this provider. Is there option to allowed only those six sids that mtv card is using?

    Can anyone help me here? Still didn't solve high usage problem. Don't know if my cfg file is not configured properly!?

    Current Usage (ECM requests/h) : 61599
    Average Usage (ECM requests/h) : 1040480

    Those peers that has high ecm usage, have 0% Ok ecms. It's all very strange.

    Almost every peer now has high usage, that's what worries me cuz it's almost impossible. I know there are peers that don't abuse my line and they have high usage. Don't know how's that possible.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

    I still have problem with my cccam server. Nothing is solved by deleting that user with high usage, becouse i think there is some kind of bug with that thing, or someone is hacked mine server. Don't know real reason, but there are few peers that are very reliable (my friends, that have only my line in cfg) that have high usage, sometimes over million requests per hour. That causes also internet collapse, and i have to restart internet modem to get connection in right shape again.

    Don't know where to start looking, what's actualy going on.

    I have mtv unlimited local card. In ccam.cfg i have the same config for all my peers - 0 0 0 {0:0:2} { } { } dns

    But when i check shares in cccaminfo.php, it says that i have reshare level 11 on my local card, even though i set it to 1.
    Is someone abusing my reshare level? Or it's some bug in cccaminfo?
    I have some peers with big ecm usage per hour, so i suspect it's possible they're abusing my config.


    ecm usage from suspected peer...

    I bought this card few days ago but can't activate it. Tryed few cams (scam 3.59, oscam 1.20 few versions, cccam 2.30) and no response. I have dreambox dm 800 hd se, sim 2.10.

    Here are my configs for Oscam:

    label = HDplus
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    caid = 1860
    boxkey = ************
    rsakey = ***************************************************************************************
    detect = cd
    mhz = 368
    cardmhz = 368

    user = user
    pwd = pass
    group = 1
    au = HDplus
    CAID = 1860

    serverip = 192.168.x.x
    logfile = /dev/null
    cachedelay = 120
    nice = -1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    dropdups = 1
    failbantime = 100
    failbancount = 2