Posts by dumbo123

    to install multics on a pc linux:
    1- Extract the zip file into a folder, and move to this folder.

    *if you dont have have the directory /usr/local/bin, create it

    mkdir -p /usr/local/bin

    *For 32bits: copy the file "multics.x32" to /usr/local/bin

    cp multics.x32 /usr/local/bin/multics

    *For 64bits: copy the file "multics.x64" to /usr/local/bin

    cp multics.x64 /usr/local/bin/multics

    3- change file propriety to executable

    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/multics

    4- copy the file "multics.cfg" to /var/etc

    cp multics.cfg /var/etc

    After installation edit your config and execute the next command:

    ./multics -b

    if you want debug info execute:

    ./multics -b -v

    Hello everybody,

    Hope you all had a blast this new year. And now when we are al sober again, here is a new version of cmum ready for you all.

    This version includes some minor fixes and tweaks, but also includes a major bug when using the 'add user and stay' button. There are also some new features like: level rights on admins, iphone/android favicon, function to change admin username and some more. You will find all the news and changes in the changelog here.

    2.3 - 2012-01-10
    - Added: Iphone/Android favicon.
    - Added: Ecm rate to default values.
    - Added: Optimize database tool.
    - Added: Database version check on login page.
    - Added: Administrator level to admins (administrator/manager).
    - Added: Function to change admin username.
    - Added: Real name field for admins.
    - Added: Setting to turn off csp connection check.
    - Fixed: 'Add user and stay' didnt load the defaults values after a user were added if that function was turned on.
    - Fixed: Mixed layout fixes on some pages.
    - Changed: Removed Accounts Expiration from home page.
    - Changed: Changed 'addeby' and 'changedby' to use insted of

    You can download 2.3 here - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

    Well, that was all for this time. I got some big plans for the upcoming versions that are allready in the making. So stay tuned.


    Currently on another well known forum, there is red alert regarding Multics thats been given out from Evileyes. Some Members Have found Below.

    There are 2 pieces of emu spy user
    Connecting to your server and at
    3 different versions and they all looked the same.

    root@localhost:~# netstat -p | grep
    Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdo:15001 ESTABLISHED 5726/multics