Posts by gcstano

    solved, problem is in command line for putty in line with network mask
    "set bootargs console=ttyAS0,115200 rw ramdisk_size=6144 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/ram0 nwhwconf=device:eth0,hwaddr:0037:04:15:00
    ip= 5.0.0:lh:eth0:off
    stmmaceth=msglvl:0,phyaddr:1,watchdog:5000 bigphysarea=6000"

    When you see the 'PK7105' prompt again, copy the following command without the quotes ("") and press ENTER:
    "nboot.i 0x80000000 0 0x00100000 ;bootm 0x80000000"


    the receiver is blocked at boot ( init then boot) and doesn't matter what i press. i can access via putty to console, i have try the comand sequence from another thread but always finished with errors like you can see in log and nothing more. if i can load rescue image somehow via putty will probably help, but how?

    I had read this article, did the command via putty but no success , that why i am posting a list from putty command line, if someone understand what is wrong. It says some errors writing var directory etc

    Hi to all, have the same problem with stucked alien2 on boot. I have tryed send the commands via putty but with no success.
    here is all what i can see on putty:

    anyone can help?
    Thaqnks Stano