Posts by rangers19873

    Didn't even see this reply :-( I will try as Ten has said same on another thread lol. I think this is good and will work but masking the problem. My gut instinct is there is a problem with nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf ? in this I have provider_library = /lib/ as directed to do in 1 of the tuts. When I look at my directory and go into /lib/ there is no /lib/ could this be the problem? Further when I was looking at /etc/rc.local as per Ten I noticed a file called reader.conf.d so had a look in there and it says

    # Gemalto reader with serial communication
    # - n is the serial port to use n in [0..3]
    # - reader is the reader name. It is needed for multi-slot readers.
    # Possible reader values are: GemPCPinPad, GemCorePOSPro, GemCoreSIMPro,
    # GemPCTwin (default value)
    # example: /dev/ttyS0:GemPCPinPad
    #FRIENDLYNAME "GemPCTwin serial"
    #DEVICENAME /dev/ttySn[:reader]
    #LIBPATH /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/

    This made me have a look at /usr/lib and I can see files,, but there is no libpcsclite?

    Do you reckon this is the cause?

    Ok mate I will try that. Would you recommend doing a manual reboot every once in a while. I am still thinking this will work but aint finding what the problem is. If i were to add new user etc then Oscam needs restarted then I am back to rebooting 20 times hoping it will come back on lol

    Thanks Ten,

    What do you think about the pcsclite?

    Sorry don't know much about scripts, as below what would you be recommending I remove?

    # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
    # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
    # command to install the new version when you edit this file
    # and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
    # that none of the other crontabs do.


    # m h dom mon dow user command
    17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
    25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
    47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
    52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )
    56 03 * * * root killall CCcam.x86_64
    56 03 * * * root killall oscam
    57 03 * * * root /var/script/ >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    58 03 * * * root /var/script/
    59 03 * * * root /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86_64
    59 03 * * * root /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/
    03 04 * * 6 root /var/script/ >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

    Many thanks

    Just well I am waiting on a reply do you think it could be anything to do with nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf ? in this I have provider_library = /lib/ as directed to do in 1 of the tuts. When I look at my directory and go into /lib/ there is no /lib/ could this be the problem? Further when I was looking at /etc/rc.local as per Ten I noticed a file called reader.conf.d so had a look in there and it says

    # Gemalto reader with serial communication
    # - n is the serial port to use n in [0..3]
    # - reader is the reader name. It is needed for multi-slot readers.
    # Possible reader values are: GemPCPinPad, GemCorePOSPro, GemCoreSIMPro,
    # GemPCTwin (default value)
    # example: /dev/ttyS0:GemPCPinPad
    #FRIENDLYNAME "GemPCTwin serial"
    #DEVICENAME /dev/ttySn[:reader]
    #LIBPATH /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/

    This made me have a look at /usr/lib and I can see files,, but there is no libpcsclite?

    Do you reckon this is the cause?

    Just remove the offending scripts & the lines which run them in /etc/rc.local. I have noticed myself that these kind of scripts cause problems on the latest linux versions. Imo they are unecessary & from experience can say that your server will run for weeks on end without them.

    Ten, sorry mate but what lines would I remove? Ill post up what I have#!/bin/sh -e
    # rc.local
    # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
    # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
    # value on error.
    # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
    # bits.
    # By default this script does nothing.
    sleep 30
    /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    exit 0


    Have been on the forums and still can't get this to work. I am having an absolute nightmare.

    When the Oscam reboots at 4am it does not recognise readers any longer and sometimes this can be sorted by rebooting several times but today have rebooted 30 times and still not working. When I list card readers it sometimes find 1, 2 or even zero. A copy of log below. I am reaching out to an experienced member as I am at the end of my tether lol. Thanks

    I put disc in and it ran through setup but when reboot and removed disc it just went back to insert bootable disc. Done this several times and was going off my nut :-) I eventually turned of raid in bios settings and that allowed me to install.

    What happens now is that server will work until 4am auto script that reboots and then it does not find the 2 omnikeys and will not connect. If I reboot about 5 or 6 times it eventually finds both readers and starts to work again. It seems to be the same pattern. I have hit a brick wall. No one seems to be able to help :-(

    If anyone has had this problem or knows of solution please let me know. Many thanks


    Can anyone give advice on how to start from fresh. I have followed so many tuts and installed so many files and wasted many of days (well not wasted has been educational :-) )

    Anyway, i want to restart again. Ubuntu and open to suggestions as to whether use Oscam, CCcam... etc and whats the lastest version to use. I was on the the streamboard looking for latest but my German is non existent.

    I also have a sly irish card and sly uk that I want to use with 2 omnikeys. Server is raid and usb devices show as bus etc.

    The recievers are capable of CCcam and MGcamd.

    Any suggestions and comand to put in terminal to take ubuntu back to factory settings.

    Thanks in advance

    root@ubuntu:~# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 076b:3021 OmniKey AG CardMan 3121
    Bus 001 Device 004: ID 076b:3021 OmniKey AG CardMan 3121


    Have posted these details just encase.


    user = cccam
    pwd = cccam
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1,2
    au = 1
    caid = 0963

    Strange, Omni 2 is not even showing entitlments yet it was last night.



    I have 2 readers and on webif it shows 2 cards ok and 12 entitlements on sly card and 14 entitlements on my mates sly ireland card.

    When my mate is connecting it just keeps going to first card reader and if he requests a channel that is only on card reader 2 it aint doing it and comes up on log no subscription as below:'

    2013/03/05 17:10:25 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:AB08): not found (81 ms) by slot1 (F/2/2/2)
    2013/03/05 17:10:33 1D02DC0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:33 1D09AF0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:33 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:23D6): not found (80 ms) by slot1 (F/2/2/2)
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 1D02DC0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 1D09AF0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:4515): not found (81 ms) by slot1 (F/2/2/2)
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 0 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #7149 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 0 version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #7149, system=x86_64-linux-gnu, nice=-1
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 0 client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0, filter_sensitive=1
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 0 max. logsize=10 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
    2013/03/05 17:10:41 0 client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
    2013/03/05 17:10:49 1D02DC0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:49 1D09AF0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:49 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:75CF): not found (81 ms) by slot1 (F/2/2/2)
    2013/03/05 17:10:57 1D02DC0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:57 1D09AF0 r slot1 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2013/03/05 17:10:57 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/0EDA/67:4512): not found (81 ms) by slot1 (F/2/2/2)
    2013/03/05 17:11:04 1D0B4D0 c cccam (0963&000000/0000/107D/5F:E015): found (86 ms) by slot1 (L/2/2/2)

    Any suggestions? I have had it working then spent 2 days messing wth oscam only but give up lol.
