Posts by achilless

    I'm getting unable to connect to the portal all the time!!

    My recivier: Gigablue quad 4K

    image: Egami 10.5 R3

    python -V --> 3.12.2

    I've just install this version enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.1+git48+e614afa0+e614afa76c-r0_cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4.ipk

    original portal file seems like this

            "tmdb_key": ""

    I've just replaced like this

            "http://myportaladdress:8080": "90:98:64:xx:xx:xx"

    Still getting unable to connect to the portal

    I'm stuck

    How can i solve that problem ?