Posts by baxmax

    Hi everyone,
    I want to share my experience with this reicever Optibox EVO.
    It is speedy and good BUT
    big is very narrow (at the moment) in software support (only OpenPLI is worth to mention).
    No idea is it possible other DREAMBOX images?
    So, what is worth 500MHz. and 512RAM if not usefull.

    My friend has Dreambox 800HD and it can not be compared with EVO due to lack of support (in any mean).

    I would appriciate if someone has different opinion based on evidence (e.g. that can run dreamsat image etc.)

    do you have a picture where are these capcitors?
    I made successfully JTAG but can not upload image after. Try with ten updream's and non of them working... once long time I got "dreambox speaking to us or something like that but now nothing...
    please help. I can post pictures of JTAG is ok. and where connection is impossible to upload image. Also tried different images.