Posts by moshe2go


    I am trying to install vlc on my dreambox 800se clone,
    but when try to connect to server, get this error:
    "url open error Errno 146 connection refused".

    I have openpli 4.0 and Linux OS on server, and while trying to connect, vlc on PC is open.

    In addition, please advise for another video-player that eneable adding subtitle from seperate file.

    What were the error messages while installing ? Try the attached file.

    Master G,
    Thanks! I installed the attached file and is working ok -
    I can open some channels, however can not open bulsat 39e -
    although tried keys suppose to be actual.
    I do not know exactly what is right/wrong according the rules of this forum regarding kyes,
    so please advise how to enable bulsat channels.
    Regarding the error messages during installing mgcamd from plugin dowloads -
    The messages run very fast on TV screen and I do not know if dreambox keep log of this messages...
    In any case - your attached file run without errors.

    I think the attached file is 1.38 but not 1.38C -
    However, I assume that if it is already working, I do not need to change mf_cfg - right?



    I have dreambox 800se clone with openpli 4.0, and trying to install mgcamd (several versions: 1.38, 1.35..)
    from plugins downloads - there are some messages during instalation and it does not work.
    Please advise how to do it or where can find ipk file suitable to my setup?

    lev Hi,

    I also tried with Mgcamd 1.38 - not working.
    I did not mentioned it, but last week I succeeded to open bulsat with both mgcamd and oscam-emu with the following keys:

    However, the key has changed and now it is not working -
    First I need to know the present key and then the right format -
    maybe the above codes can give any direction to the right way...



    I installed oscam-emu with the nice help of this forum and can open most of the channels -
    However, can not open BULSAT 39E channels - altough adding the latest keys I found in various sites -
    Please advise what is the actual key and the right format?

    I have been told how to add codes with "#" key...
    OK - Finally I managed to work out oscam-emu (the file attached by master G in this thread) so I am sharing my conclusions, for two reasons:
    Help future users facing the same problem, and also to ask for short explanation in order to figure out more deeply –
    I understand in general what I have done, but not what exactly solved the problem.
    Here are the changes have done -

    I added user=user1 in [dvbapi] section to oscam.conf as you can see here:

    Then I added [account] with the same user1 of group=1 to oscam.user:

    Here is oscam.server:

    Here is the status of oscam:

    And log lines:

    I am not sure that all the content of the above files is needed, so I would appreciate short explanation,
    in order to understand the rule of each parameter.
    Regarding oscam-ymod: It did not work at all, without connecting through web, and when I tried to start it from console,
    I got the messages (see in previous post), that indicate on configuration issue -
    'Cannot open config file '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf' (errno=2)' – While after installation the files are placed in /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/ directory -
    but not /etc/tuxbox/config/???


    Any one has any idea?? It seems that just a little thing is missing.
    Can the above log messages help to figure out what is wrong?
    Maybe the keys file is not in the right format?
    Ymod not working at all...
    If someone has the same setup as mine – please attach here oscam file.
    Frustrating... :09:

    Additional info -
    Here is the log of oscam_emu during trying to open channel: MEZZO in 13e.

    2014/09/14 09:44:17 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
    2014/09/14 09:44:17 588978 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 8 ecmpids!
    2014/09/14 09:44:17 588978 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #0 CAID 0500 PROVID 007400 ECMPID 00A6 ANY CHID PMTPID 0073 VPID 007D
    2014/09/14 09:44:17 588978 c linuxsatsupport (0500&007400/08E2/29E5/2A:00000000000000000000000000000000): rejected caid (0 ms) (invalid caid 0x0500)
    2014/09/14 09:44:17 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
    2014/09/14 09:44:17 588978 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #6 CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 00A5 ANY CHID PMTPID 0073 VPID 007D
    2014/09/14 09:44:18 588978 c linuxsatsupport (0604&000000/0000/29E5/A4:00000000000000000000000000000000): rejected caid (1 ms) (invalid caid 0x0604)

    For oscam-ymod, place the oscam.keys file in /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam

    oscam-emu doesn`t require a SoftCam.Key file as it`s patched into oscam, though it will make use of one if present (extra SoftCam.Key file added)..

    Dear master G:

    First, Thanks for your files!
    However, still not working -

    oscam-ymod: Can not even connect through web - though I changed to the proper IP addreses range in oscam.conf.
    I'm getting the following errors while trying to start it from console (do not know how to put here 'codes'...):
    root@dm800se:/usr/bin# ./oscam
    Cannot open config file '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/usr/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/var/etc/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/var/keys/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/usr/local/etc/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/usr/local/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/usr/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/etc/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/var/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/tmp/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file '/tmp/oscam/oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    Cannot open config file './oscam.conf' (errno=2)
    No config file './oscam.conf' found -> setting defaults
    Default config dir '/etc/tuxbox/config/'

    oscam-emu: I can connect through web but still something is missing.
    EDIT: During installation of oscam_emu I get this massage:
    'cat: can't open '/tmp/': No such file or directory' -
    Is it normal?

    Please let me know if I need only to install these files with 'opkg install'
    or should I change or add any reader or something to oscam.server or other files?
    Please advise!



    I am working with openpli 4.0 on dreambox 800se and now adding oscam svn 9077-r0 (the only one available in the plugins downloads) -
    oscam seems working - I can connect via webserver and no errors after starting it from the console. However it does not open the channels -
    probably, something is missing so please advise the right process - where to put the keys file and with what name, the right reader and etc?
    I put the files: SoftCam.Key and in /usr/keys.
    Hope following info may help to figure out the problem -

    label = card
    enable = 1
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    detect = cd
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,15
    audisabled = 0
    mhz = 2700
    cardmhz = -1

    label =
    enable = 1
    protocol = constcw
    device = /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key
    group = 1


    disablelog = 1
    disableuserfile = 1
    usrfileflag = 0
    maxlogsize = 10
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    lb_mode = 0
    unlock_parental = 1

    httpport = 8081
    httpallowed =,,,

    #enabled = 1
    #au = 1
    #user = dvbapiau
    #request_mode = 0

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    user = dvbapiau
    boxtype = dreambox


    #user = dvbapiau
    #pwd =
    #disabled = 0
    #group = 1
    #au = 1

    user = dvbapiau
    au = 1
    group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
    cccmaxhops = 3

    status (sorry for the not nice output):

    hide Thread ID Type ID Label AU Crypted Address Port Protocol Login Online CAID:SRVID Current Channel LB Value/ Reader Idle Status
    Hide 0xa78e88 s 0 root 0 server 11.09.14 14:41:56 00:15:39 0000:0000 00:15:39 OK
    Hide 0x76800468 h 1 root 0 http 11.09.14 14:41:56 00:15:39 0000:0000 00:00:00 OK
    Readers 0/1
    Hide Restart r 1 card ON OFF 0 internal 0000:0000 no data 00:15:39 OFF (no entitlements)
    Proxies 1/1
    Hide Restart p 1 ON OFF 0 constcw 11.09.14 14:41:56 00:15:39 0500:29E5 no data 00:00:01 CONNECTED
    Clients 1/1 (1 with ECM within last 25 seconds)
    Hide Kill c 1 dvbapiau ON OFF 0 dvbapi 11.09.14 14:41:57 00:15:38 1813:29E5 by not found (1ms) 00:00:00 OK


    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A8DA58 p [CONSTCW] find controlword for CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 SRVID 29E5 VPID 007D ECMPID 00A5
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A9BC50 c dvbapiau (0604&000000/0000/29E5/A4:89792584F4D0708831C398238B8C49D1): rejected reader sid (13 ms) by
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A8DA58 p [CONSTCW] find controlword for CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 SRVID 29E5 VPID 007D ECMPID 00A5
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A9BC50 c dvbapiau (0604&000000/0014/29E5/44:F46EF7E9EC6FD96D70101FA9B8E32D25): rejected reader sid (13 ms) by
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A8DA58 p [CONSTCW] find controlword for CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 SRVID 29E5 VPID 007D ECMPID 00A5
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A9BC50 c dvbapiau (0604&000000/0016/29E5/44:E5815CDEAF905BD243A1197A64DE5F6E): rejected reader sid (12 ms) by
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A8DA58 p [CONSTCW] find controlword for CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 SRVID 29E5 VPID 007D ECMPID 00A5
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A9BC50 c dvbapiau (0604&000000/00CF/29E5/44:274BE13A0B02D1FAFB4C4D016B10CD9D): rejected reader sid (12 ms) by
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A8DA58 p [CONSTCW] find controlword for CAID 0604 PROVID 000000 SRVID 29E5 VPID 007D ECMPID 00A5
    2014/09/11 15:00:01 A9BC50 c dvbapiau (0604&000000/009D/29E5/44:5156DE69252322906224ACC7F8911B99): rejected reader sid (12 ms) by