Posts by ashraf_d

    As Nline client i think all you need to change is this.

    If mgcamd still does not start then it we need to see the logs to know why buddy.


    It still doesn't work
    How to get the logs ?

    thanks for your help.

    Can somebody help me with activating the mgcamd on the openapa 2.0.1

    I downloaded and installed the mgcamd 1.38 from the spacam menu
    I put my newcamdlist in /usr/keys (which has been working on the black hole image)
    I started the mgcamd 1.38 from the spacam menu
    I hard restarted the machine

    And after all that when I go to the emulator information I find " mgcamd status : not running "

    Could you please tell me if I missed somthing or if there is somthing wrong because I realy find openspa is the best image I ever installed on the VU+ uno
