Posts by kleanth

    So, in my final effort, I will find the file /etc/network/interfaces, delete everything and add
    # automatically generated by enigma 2
    # do NOT change manually!

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp

    hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:06 (other mac address)

    or should I delete aeverything and put
    $ ifconfig eth0 down

    $ ifconfig eth0 hw ether 11:22:33:44:55:66

    $ ifconfig eth0 up

    hwaddress ether 11:22:33:44:55:66

    After I make the change, no, I do not have any access, either ftp or telnet. In the script, where it says [ '$IFACE' = 'eth0' ], how do I know the receiver is on eth0?
    I am asking because as I read, one mistake makes the system not get an ip.
    So is there any way to check my eth number?
    Also, if I manually add this script, make it executable, do I copy-paste exactly as you wrote, or I change anything?

    Someone wrote that:
    In theory, it may go wrong in two ways, if you put wrong lines to the wrong place:
    1. no connection and restarting network does not work, so no way to reestablish connection, and without it, no way to remove those lines from the script, and after rebooting, again the same.
    2. the rebooting script hangs and does not finish and therefore perhaps even worse than 1.

    Thanks again for your time.

    You made me the ipk to change the mac address. As I saw, it creates a script with lines in linux to change the mac address.
    Maybe in the ipk there is a command, stating that my vu is eth0 and its not, so it creates the problem of ip unconfirmed.
    How can I test what number is on eth... ?

    Done everything and anything on the web. If I manage to change mac address, there is an ip problem stating unconfirmed. Nothing else to do. I dont know if there is a certain image to use that allows mac address change. If anyone can help, please do.

    Thank you for your help. I could not connect to etc or wherever on the vu because I had no valid ip. I created a backup with my first receiver, flashed the second one and got back the mac address. I tried other methods posted on line, but same problem again. Ip address unconfirmed. Reflashed, tried, reflashed, tried..... :( No.
    Maybe I am doing something wrong. I will check youtube and see. Thanks again. If you find sth let me know please.

    After putting the file in tmp do I need to manually install ipk and run the plugin or just paste the command in telnet? If everything goes fine do I need to do the same again every time I turn on the receiver?

    Thank you very much. Do I manually install ipk after putting the file in tmp and run the plugin or just putting the file there and telnet the command will do the job?
    Do I have to do this every time I start the receiver?

    Ok I checked and it is confirmed. Got same mac addresses.
    Name;IP;Mac address;Vendor;;B4-74-..-..-66-10;askey computer corp
    KLEO;;90-2B-34-..-..-4D;GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.;;00-1D-..-..-47-61;ARRIS Group, Inc.
    VUSOLO;;00-DE-FA-11-73-B0;;;00-21-00-81-63-96;GemTek Technology Co., Ltd.

    Big thanks. My image is open pli . If you can make me an ipk, I will be very very grateful. I will check the mac addresses when I get home and I will let you know.
    By the way, when ever I connect both receivers , all internet freezes. When I disconnect any one of both, everything is ok.
    Can you make the ipk so that we can save some time?
    Thanks in advance for your time and effort.

    Thanks for the reply. I read somewhere that there is a small program that changes mac, but I can not find it. I can use flashfxp, but I can not find easy instructions for doing the change. Can anyone please help me more?

    I have set up a second vu solo in an other room, but whenever I turn it on, the internet goes down. I have read that perhaps they both have the same mac address, and thats why. Is there an easy way to change the mac address to one of the two boxes?
    Just to inform you that in my house my children use their phones over wifi and I also have two pc and a tablet. How can I put a mac address that is "free"? The boxes have openpli image, if that helps.
    Thanks in advance!