Posts by musogeek

    Market = somewhere you go to buy something. In the case of an Android device the most popular is the google powered 'Android Market' - which is only officially supported by devices that meet certain criteria (approved devices) although most devices can overcome this restriction. You can download and/or buy applications for your device. Different markets mean different places to go to get these apps. The different markets are presented as installable apk files so you can get easy access to them and install stuff on your device with ease.

    Not sure what you have been reading but from what I know about this receiver and a quick google in case I have missed something, I can't see where you got this information. You can certainly put clines on this box so will run as a client, but will not be able to share cards. I would love to be wrong!

    Could be an old peer who has still got your details on their client, a duplicate user if you have it set to drop duplicate users, or if you tie your user accounts to a particular address and they are trying to log on from another. Best thing is to set up failban and keep your eye on it, if you get it often and if it gets worse then change your port, good peers will understand!

    on your phone/tablet settings might need to enable an option to be able to install non market applications. If you are using es file explorer app on your phone (or another decent file explorer app, and you have a shared drive on your network, just pop the apk's in your shared drive and you can access this from your android.

    not without a bit more info - all we know by what you said is that one of your cards, the one running in OSCam has a high ECM time. Perhaps if you let us know more about how you have things set up, and maybe give us a hint of a clue about the card and maybe show us the reader entry for the said card in oscam.server, then I am sure someone will be able to help:still_dreaming:

    Yes that shoud be plenty enough you'd think. Problem with recording over NAS as opposed to recording to a USB or internal HDD is that the latter would often be decicated, where over the network you might be using the network or shared drive for other things while it is recording. You woudn't notice this while you are viewing your full HD iso's because when you are watching something you would be less likely to be doing anything else! I have found that the recording over LAN is more of a gimmick and I only tried it to see if it works, and it sort of does. You could always go back to recording to a drive attached to your receiver, and mabe set this up as a SAMBA share, this works fine for me:scarf:

    It seems that writing to the disk is the problem rather than reading as you said yourself it streams fine over the network from the NAS. Have you tested your write speed to make sure that it is writing fast enough to the NAS to be able to record? You would think so, but I found that when I was recording to NAS (can't do it now 'cause the latest Qbox update seems to have broken CIFS access!) it seemed to be struggling and found that my write speeds to the network drive were low.

    A lot of sites use flash - apple choose not to support flash so adobe are unable to create a versioin that will work with apple devices such as the iPad. There is an app called iSwifter which allows you to play flash games, but flash video is a no no. If the iPad 2 were to be jailbroken, it might be possible somehow. The idea apple have is that other media content delivery methods such as HTML 5 will replace flash eventually, but that remains to be seen. A lot of video clip sites (expecially xxx sites) use flash. I know a lot of UK catchup TV sites use flash but some will have alternative formats to allow the content to be viewed on an iPad (iPlayer for example).


    I want most you can get from a tablet sandman !!

    For one thing, if you want flash video support then you need to be looking at an Android tab, because this is a no no with an iPad. This is why I chose an Android tablet over an iPad.

    I am in agreement with rocco69er. I have never owned anything by Apple so I can't comment so much, but I think it is an idea to think of iPads as what they are - tablets - and then you will open your eyes to other tablets, with other operating systems. You may find an android tablet suits your needs and at a price you like!

    You can get whatever packages your friends and your friend's friends have. If you buy yourself a card, then your friends can have that package. Payservers have nothing to do with cardsharing. You don't share anything with them, you just pay them, and then once they have your money, and your details, they might disappear leaving you worried...