Posts by saragusa

    Via Telnet:

    opkg remove *Adrenalin*

    Transparent cover added to the poster seems do not work.... Same cover than 5.1 version.... I have installed 5.2 version by skin online update..... Pheraphs is it the problem??



    replace with the one I am attaching below.

    That's all.


    The problem is in the lines 12 and 14 of the NitroExtraInfo converter. If the two lines are deleted, perfectly works with OpenSpa Py2 latest update. Thanks to digiteng for tip...

    12. import six
    14. SIGN = '°' if six.PY3 else str ('\xc2\xb0')


    Hi ciefp .

    Could you add in your motor settings t2Mi version the dtt italian channels as others list available here?? Many people would appreciate it...😉

    All my settings support multistream channels also t2mi via streamrelay. Here in this topic I separate settings only when there is a change in astra.conf. When there is no change in the astra.conf file you can comfortably use settings from another topic:

    Hi ciefp .

    Could you add in your motor settings t2Mi version the dtt italian channels as others list available here?? Many people would appreciate it...😉

    All my settings support multistream channels also t2mi via streamrelay. Here in this topic I separate settings only when there is a change in astra.conf. When there is no change in the astra.conf file you can comfortably use settings from another topic:

    Yes, i know. But i intend that your settings don't support DVBT-2 Italian channel (like Srbjia-Cacak-Ovcar in your settings).

    Hi biko .

    I noticed that the motor settings (in the reception options) are not correctly configurable. In particular, the settings selectable with the color buttons are valid only for the first configuration in the list (tuner tuning) and not for the others. Can you take a look? Thank you.

    Very strange digiteng ... Backdrop normally works in epg screen... with your render...🤔🤔🤔

    Great job ...

    Works great on OpenSpa last update. I just point out that the backdrop does not appear in the first infobar (... and I'm sure the backdrop exists because it is regularly linked in the info event screen and in the epg screen ...)

    I confirm it works very well on OpenSpa last update...

    At the state of the art it's surely the better skin for Enigma2...

    If the scrolling text mode is added to the event information and to the epg... it will be gorgeous...😉😉😉

    For install on OpenSpa, if it's already installed the previous one skin version, i suggest to copy new version in /tmp. So, from telnet:

    opkg remove *novaler*";

    opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*novaler*.