Posts by djjonah2002

    My card is years old mate. Think it is somehow paired, just want to make sure before i close the book on it. That would be great if you could remote access. What time should I be available?

    Me again, just an update with the hope someone can help :). My dad, brother and sister have 5ky so went round earlier today to try each of their cards in my server hoping 1 would work, all cards have the full package btw, 2 cards showed 19 entitlements in oscam but only able to view normal channels plus discovery, mtv, disney channels and a few others but no sports, movies, HD. Last card showed no entitlements in oscam so only got basic channels, no mtv, disney etc. Hoping its just an update problem or something not configured correctly, ie dns settings or something else. Anyone willing to remote my system and see if they notice something wrong or maybe I could give a cline for someone to test for me? Not sure if the openbox im testing from is setup right, think it is fine but dont want to rule anything out. Dont know if this will help but my 5ky box model number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. thanks in advance :)

    Hey guys, so you can prob gather from above that im having issues sharring all the channels that my 5ky subscription card has, still not sure if the card is paired or another problem? If my card was paired would I be getting the disney channel, nickelodeon, mtv, discovery channels amongst others. Seem to be having issues with the premium channels in standard viewing and HD viewing (5ky movies, sports etc). Thouht the channel list I put on the box might have been wrong so done an manual search and got a few more channels, prob cause channel list was dated but didnt solve the problem. Any ideas would be appreciated?

    OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build r8917
    Readers 1/1
    Hide Restart r 1 ***uk ON OFF 0 pcsc 03.10.13 21:14:22 07:24:22 0963:183C *** Digital (UK): Discovery Channel +1 no data 00:00:06 CARDOK (19 entitlements)
    Clients 1/1 (1 with ECM within last 25 seconds)
    Hide Kill c 1 cccam ON ON 36926 newcamd (CCcam) 03.10.13 21:14:52 07:23:52 0963:183C *** Digital (UK): Discovery Channel +1 by ***uk (92ms) 00:00:06 OK

    So connected everything back up again to see what channels are clearing and what are not. Seem to be getting discovery channels, some of the disney channels and a bunch of others. Not getting any premium HD channels, ie sly sports1,2,3 etc or movies. Any ideas if my sly card is paired or if ive done something wrong?

    Is there a specific way I can check? ie with my card number? Never had the card working as recently just set it all up so not sure if its just a fault or something as opposed to the card being paired. Getting BBC and a few others, think its the same channels as what I get on freeview.
    Thanks guys

    Just recently mate, setup ubuntu server 12.04 running cs studio and oscam. Got an openbox to test if was working ok as intended to share my sly card with the family but when I put a cline in the openbox im only getting the basic channels. Someone said my card is paired with sly so game is up for me. Just wanted to check if that was definatley the case before I throw this server and openbox away, lol

    Hey guys, can anyone offer advice on checking if my sly card is paired to my sly box. Had the same card for about 5 years and the box has never been connected to internet but was connected to a telephone line for about a week when I first has sly installed. oscam says 19 entitlements but not sure if that is normal or not, dont seem to get the subscribed channels when im trying to share the card so just wondering if it definately is a paired card or something else.

    What viewing card would I have to subscribe to? Ideally want the main stream channels, ie disney channel for the kids, football for me when the mrs allows it, lol. Dont mind spending a little, just sick of paying £105 to sly each month for them to then offer better deals to new customers instead of offering existing customers any discounts. Speaking to the family about it and the original intention was to card share my viewing card and then all chip in so we were all saving but with my card being paired, i think, thats put a spanner in the works. Just dont know what to do for the best now, do I just bite the bullet and stay with sly or is there an alternative that gets me most of the channels while saving me and ideally my family some money? Bit long winded but any suggestions or your current satellite setup would be appreciated.

    Hey guys, so my sly card seems to be paired so from what I gather im pritty much screwed. Just wondering if anyone knows of another viewing card out there that I can view the channels through my sly dish?

    Just set server up, card reader, openbox etc to find my sly card is paired so I cant cardshare :( Whats more I told everyone in the family id get them sly channels for free, haha, eeek. Been reading a few other forums and some people saying games not up yet and SD boxes are fine and will take another 12 months to faze old boxes etc out. Not too sure, ive got an old thomson box lying around so will give them a call tomorrow and say my slybox has packed in so want to pair my card with another box, worth a shot I guess, will let you know how I get on, Model of the box etc guys.
    I wonder if there are any other cards to share from other providers but then guessing id need a bigger dish and anyone sharing? Keep this thread goin guys and if anyone has an update then lets know.

    Ok so loaded CCcam lines manager and in settings it is asking for Dreambox IP? Username? root. CCcam.cfg path? /var/etc/. Password?. Your Dyndns, No-ip or Public IP? Is this the IP address of the server or computer runnin cs studio? and finally dreambox share port? Also do I need to put my dns settings into my router or open a port in my router? thx

    Ok gents, posting this note in the hope someone will take the time to talk through a complete novice how it works. So server running ununto 12.04, CS Studio also running. Sly card recognised in the server, have flashed my slybox f5s ready for the CCcam.cfg file. My problem is 1. Not sure what dns service plan to purchase or the differences between them all and 2. is there a way a program will generate the clines for me or is it something that has to be done manually? This may seem basic but really struggling guys, I am available for teamviewer help if someone was willing to assist. :(

    Tread makes me do a prefix and only option id SOLVED, although I wish it was. :)

    Hi guys, so server all setup running 12.04. Installed CS Studio. Have received my omnikey 3121 card reader today and dont want to do anything wrong. Do I simply plug it into the server with my sly card? How would I know if it is working? Also ive got a ***box F5s box. Do I install a specific firmware/software on the box? Could admin maybe assist me via teamviewer to generate a cline etc. Hope im making sense, any advice or instructions would be really appreciated. Still a novice in all this guys so apologies for my lack of knowledge.