Posts by triscross

    i know that they will make the server boot faster but dose cccam access the drive enough to need a ssd. when i say need please bear in mind that i would never go back to a spinning disk on a pc
    ive just upgraded my server and see that the sata has 3gbs so thought i would make use of it :)
    so the question is dose anyone use them are they worth it

    Are you using the services parameter in oscam ?

    If so the oscam.srvid & may need updated, its possibly looking for channel sids that are out of date.

    You could try using srvid & services from this thread, latest-oscam-srvid or make your own, Oscam Tools.

    no iam not using them i only setup oscam yesterday i would like to try can you please tell me how to install or where do i put the files
    Ten Below: iam going to spend a few more days trying to get this working before i give up lol

    can someone take a look at this for me , to me it looks like some things wrong
    iam useing usb phoenix set at 3.58 Mhz and set to 600 in oscam

    hi mate i would start again
    uninstall all the bt progs
    on your home hub there should be a plastic key you pull out this should have all your wireless settings on it
    click on the icon in the bottom right to search for wireless networks you should see your home hub ssid should match whats in your plastic key
    click connect it will ask you for the wireless key
    enter the numbers from the plastic key (wireless key)
    and you should now be connected

    every time i update the cfg on my debian server peers drop off i can leave it a few hours /days and they dont come back, give it a reboot and everything comes back
    if the answer is to change cccam version can somone point me to a guide iam on 2.1.4 atm

    thanks tris

    hmmm well lots :( but i do have a tomato Linksys router with qos iam going to have a play arround with the settings over the next few days and see if its someone on the network flooding the net think theres 3 android phones and 6 pc's + the server connected atm

    i seem to have random high ping when looking on cs studio {33ms , 38ms , 1089ms , 23ms , 25ms} = 29ms anyone else have this problem i also see some bad commands while looking on the logs :(
    i have changed server and router and still the same problems

    should this work just the same on a debian server because cccam dosnt seem to be creating any logs
    i have installed debian uesing your guide ten and webmin i installed prity much the same as i did with ubuntu