Posts by katiec33

    Hi i have read a couple of internet posts and it seems italia 09cd are trying out a new encryption and most italia channels are now gone.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Fox sports, poker, sly sport 1 , sly sport 2 , supercalciio gone :(

    Pulled form another site

    (2014-October-6th) Serious Quality Issues on *** Italia + Latest Updates (October-7th)
    Since this noon most of *** Italia channels are freezing frequently and some of them like *** Sports 1&2 are not even opening. Be aware that this issue is general and it`s from *** itself, so we have to wait until it settles. The exact time of fix is not clear at the moment.
    Updated : (7th October) Situation is getting worse. As we investigated, it seems like *** Italia Company is pairing all SD channels too and within 48 hours there will be no *** Italia channels at all. We will post latest updates here soon. Please don`t ask anything more as we dont know more than what we can offer.