SH4 DVBSnoop Missing Dependencies

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,486 times. The last Post () by pauldb.

  • Hi

    Just trying the install The latest C2 AutoBouquets SH4 and I'm getting a further dependency error when installing the required dependency package: dvbsnoop

    Installing dvbsnoop (0.0+cvs20081001-r1.0) to root...
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for dvbsnoop:
    * libc6 (>= 2.19) *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package dvbsnoop.

    I suspect this is a kernel module that needs to be updated and recompiled. I don't have an environment to compile my own enigma bases images.

    Should I just try and force the install with the ignore dependency option (assuming there is one) and see how it functions, if at all?

    Unless someone understands the problem and can provide a fix I am able to deploy.

    Many thanks


  • If for some reason none already posted work, here is the version I use. I think I downloaded from debian...

  • Thanks for the help everyone. All attachments installed once I had updated the library that Master G supplied.

    Interestingly the problem occurred on a very recent HDMU image release.


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