new libusb-109-rc3 and pcsc package and oscam for qboxhd-min

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    new libusb-109-rc3 and pcsc package and oscam for qboxhd-mini

    Oscam stable version compiled with support to libusb-109rc3 (for prevent some timeouts problems) and pcsc complete package (pcsc181-ccid145-libusb109rc3)

    how-to install


    1- remove all old pcsc and ccid package from your qbox
    2-ftp install new package in correct paths
    /usr/sbin----->pcscd demon (need chmod 755 permission)
    /usr/local/pcsc-->driver ccid
    3-reboot box and enjoy

    NB pcsc package compiled with low memory usage support tnx to master fantomax all package tested and worked on qbox-mini with original filesystem


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