OSCam help on solo 4k

There are 45 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 8,730 times. The last Post () by ComfySofa.

  • As above....been at it all night an gotten no where....ive lost count of how many threads ive gone through, tried and failed. CCcam is easy compared to this..!

    So, my setup is this:

    solo 4k just got it (never used oscam before as Ive never had to) cccam has always worked so never had to change.....I knew what I was getting into buying the 4k but knew that I had to take it on the chin at some point!!

    ive got other vu receivers in the house so it made sense to transfer the cccam server to a vu zero, which is running fine and servicing the other vu's

    It seems like the easiest way (from what I can see) is to set the 4k up as an oscam client connecting to a cccam server (the zero). I think ive read 3 or 4 different ways of doing it which ive tried, don't really understand but tried all the same and failed. If its easier to set the 4k up as an oscam server and then set the other vu's in the house to connect to it and run the whole lot on oscam then ill happily do that...

    So, if anyone could help I'm all ears - cheers to anyone that does as ive been at it for hours...

  • Yep tried that but didn't work....

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ive read so much, and so many different ways of doing it....so, just to get started I'm assuming the file goes in tuxbox/config?

    And assuming that which files do I need in there....ive read having up to 4 different config files in there...

    Just to add the zero has F lines in the config file...

    Ive got a cccam converter but it has 8 possible different options/ways of producing a file....ive no clue as to which options I need to generate what I want...

    Also read on different sites about CAID numbers being required....no idea what they are either...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Don't ask me how but through trying stuff ive created a web config page for oscam.....where there are a multitude of settings of which I have no idea what to set....ive put the ip of the zero in there but its not really done anything (as expected). Will keep trying...edit..reboot the box and lost the webpage - no idea how...not doing well today....

    Edited 3 times, last by ComfySofa ().

  • Vu zero
    ip number example



    F: vu4k vu4k 5 1 0 { 0:0:5 }

    Vu solo 4k


    label = CCcam
    protocol = cccam
    device =,12000
    user = vu4k
    password = vu4k
    inactivitytimeout = 30
    fallback = 1
    group = 1,2,3,4,5,6
    cccversion = 2.1.4


    enabled = 1
    au = 0
    user = localuser


    user = localuser
    group = 1,2,3,4,5,6
    cccreshare = 1

    thats all ofcourse if your C line is reshare possible check it from cccam web panel shares section uphops maxdown all line must be 1-1 1-2 1-5 etc if second line always 0
    u cant reshare from zero cccam ..then u must put your c line to oscam and reshare to other boxes from oscam mate its so easy..

    | Host | Type |Caid| System | Providers |Uphops | Nodes |
    | | | | | |Maxdown| |
    |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |CCcam-s2s| xxx|xxxxxx |xxxxx |1 0 |xxxxxxxxxxxxx |

    Vu+ Ultimo Vu+ Solo2 Vu+ Solo 4K Gigablue X1 Gigablue Quad Plus Wetekplay Wetek Core...
    4m , 2m motorized, 95 diseq usals ....

  • Further to above it is dependent of what image you are using as to where the configs go. If you are using openatv then config files go into us/keys.

    If you can get back into the webif you can also enter you server details by first clicking the files tab at the top of the page the select server.

  • Thanks very much for the help lads....just trying it now....don't understand the "c line reshare thing" - I'm keeping it as simple as possible. Zero is the server - nothing is shared beyond the house - all internal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Amazing - worked first time but what you've given me is totally different to everything ive read. Ive just backed up all the config files and made some notes. Now, trying to learn here and further my learning a little bit. I'm not the easiest person in the world to teach and this is new to me. So, some questions.

    1.Is my setup the best way or is there a better way. IE is it better to run oscam across everything - thats based on the fact i could get it running!! as ive had no luck up to now!
    2.Is using the zero the best receiver to use as a server. (the 4k is much more powerful) or is the service/server that's running on the zero so small it doesn't matter.

    Again, many thanks, I really genuinely think I wouldn't have gotten it working. Thanks again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh just to add I tend to use the vix image across all of my boxes - ive found the to be consistently the easiest to use. Ive got a VU Duo 2 in my office which I use as a box just to mess around with and reflash....I thought about testing that as an oscam server, that way I'm not messing with what currently works!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Now I'm exploring the options within the menu - it says the webif is missing from the oscam.conf.....now I did have this working before how to I add the webif config to the conf file without destroying whats now working?

    • Official Post

    1.Is my setup the best way or is there a better way. IE is it better to run oscam across everything - thats based on the fact i could get it running!! as ive had no luck up to now!
    2.Is using the zero the best receiver to use as a server. (the 4k is much more powerful) or is the service/server that's running on the zero so small it doesn't matter.

    oscam on all your receivers will be the best way imo. The best server would be the receiver that rarely ever gets rebooted..

    Now I'm exploring the options within the menu - it says the webif is missing from the oscam.conf.....now I did have this working before how to I add the webif config to the conf file without destroying whats now working?

    Click Files tab > Choose oscam.conf > paste in the following and restart oscam:

    httpport                      = [COLOR='#FF0000']8888[/COLOR]
    httpshowmeminfo               = 1
    httpshowuserinfo              = 1
    httpshowcacheexinfo           = 1
    httpshowecminfo               = 1
    httpshowloadinfo              = 1
    httpallowed                   =,
    http_status_log               = 1

    Now login in a browser window like this http://ip.of.solo4k:8888

    Are you using a white uk card in the zero ? Do you want to try to setup an oscam server on the solo4k ?

  • hi, ok i don't know vu 4k, i undesthud u have vu zero and u run ccam with c line or u have card on vu solo and u want to create c line for vu 4k?

    thats is the firts step for me to try to help u ,

    witch image u run on each box ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    sorry master g i don't read u post don't want interferre.

  • Yep - that worked...all good so far. So, based on what you've given me so far which has worked a treat what would I have to change to turn the 4k into a server ? bearing in mind I'm still not up to speed on what ive done/what you've given me that is working. Again, many thanks for all of the active help.

    Sorry master G - just read your last comment yes, exactly that - turn the 4k into the server and stick the card in there...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks jokosat - feel free to chip in...

    • Official Post

    Attached uk caid 0963 configs for the Vu+ solo4k will read the card.
    On the server add newcamd and cccam parameters with ports of your choice to oscam.conf (already added to the configs):

    Add accounts for the internal share, one for each protocol:

    You now have a C & N line, readers for oscam or CWS for mgcamd (change to the ip address of the Vu+ solo4k):
    C: 10002 user1 password1
    N: 10001 user password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    CWS = 10001 user password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14



    C line - Use in CCcam, place in CCcam.cfg in /etc folder
    N line - Use in CCcam, place in CCcam.cfg in /etc folder
    CWS line - Use in mgcamd, place in newcamd.list in /usr/keys folder.
    [reader] - Use in oscam, place in oscam.server in /etc/tuxbox/config folder.

    Use basic oscam config with dvbapi configured on your other receivers.

  • ok - ill back up all my stuff as if i get into trouble then i can return to how i was....general question: i know that cccam is now not developed anymore and everyone says that oscam is the better option - cccam worked before...ie one ran the card the rest connected and all worked...i would say every now and again i got a little glitch but nothing more than that....is hd stuff still not working - ive only got a basic package so no hd so i wouldnt know...

    Just to add - the first 2 code boxes are for the 4k - the lower 2 are for the client (the other boxes) - just to double bubble....

  • okey cokey....just from reading the configs am i right in saying that theres a service that connects to the card itself and then the first client is the first receiver (the 4k)?? is that right?? Almost as if the onboard reader is separate from the receiver that its connected to....does that sound a bit weird...?

  • Ok - ive added the first 2 configs to oscam.conf and its off, tried restarting but nothing - tried the card in both slots and still no dice....should the second set of configs go in another file??

  • ok - snapshot from the webif page ok ?? - Ah just copied a slice of the top of the log.....

    2016/02/26 22:28:53 5DE70C9A c (client) anonymous disconnected from
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Videostream (MPEG-2)(type: 02 pid: 170c length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Audiostream (MPEG-1)(type: 03 pid: 170d length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 170f length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f06 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f07 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f08 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f09 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 1710 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0911 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0912 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0913 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 090d length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f00 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f01 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f02 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f03 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f04 length: 0)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 0 ECMpids and 17 STREAMpids in caPMT
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 serving srvid 18C5 (FFFE@000000:18C5 unknown) on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 010C
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Videostream (MPEG-2)(type: 02 pid: 170c length: 18)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Audiostream (MPEG-1)(type: 03 pid: 170d length: 21)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 170f length: 27)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f06 length: 3)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f07 length: 3)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f08 length: 3)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (DSM CC)(type: 0b pid: 0f09 length: 24)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 1710 length: 25)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0911 length: 18)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0912 length: 18)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0913 length: 18)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 090d length: 18)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f00 length: 12)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f01 length: 13)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f02 length: 12)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f03 length: 12)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Datastream (MPEG-2 tabled data)(type: 05 pid: 0f04 length: 13)
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 0 ECMpids and 17 STREAMpids in PMT
    2016/02/26 22:28:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 serving srvid 18C5 (FFFE@000000:18C5 unknown) on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 010C
    2016/02/26 22:28:54 6A9E8AC3 p (cccam) cccam(r) cccam: login failed, usr/pwd invalid
    2016/02/26 22:28:54 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0961@000000/FFFF/1537/63:9922EAF0B336DE80F25D9A315D69D6CD): rejected (1002 ms) by cccam

    ive left the original entry in there for the cccam connecting to the zero - should that come out??

    PS sorry - pasted in the wrong section - just noticed the latest logs are at the bottom!!

    Edited 3 times, last by ComfySofa ().

  • [QUOTE
    If you were using oscam as server only with no viewing you wouldn`t need the dvbapi parameter or an account for it in oscam.user..[/QUOTE]

    Sorry Don't want to hijack your thread pal but master g on my Ubuntu pc server would I just add myself as a user and not dvbapi? As I'll be connecting to my server as a client ?

  • Ill have to stay quiet as ive no idea what im doing apart from copying and pasting, and understanding small morsels of information....and just appreciate the help...! my theory is to get it all running and then learn and understand whats then been set up.

    • Official Post

    If you were using oscam as server only with no viewing you wouldn`t need the dvbapi parameter or an account for it in oscam.user..

    Sorry Don't want to hijack your thread pal but master g on my Ubuntu pc server would I just add myself as a user and not dvbapi? As I'll be connecting to my server as a client ?

    If you use oscam as a server and don`t view any channels on the ubuntu then you don`t need the dvbapi parameter or an account for it..

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