Can't make picons work on a DM8000 / Dream Elite image

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,848 times. The last Post () by habib2535.

  • i spent all day with tries - Have a Dream Elite image loaded on a DM8000 - I collected picons from different sources (including mmark's etc.) - latest are 220x132 size transparent picons - put them in /media/hdd/picon folder and issued an "In -s .... " command to have a redirection picon alias folder in /usr/share/enigma2 as recommanded ... i also chmod'ed all folders to 755

    ... then rebooted my box but no way to have the picons working ! Tried with the "Default HD" skin and with "MetrixDE-FHD" .... no change !

    any help appreciated

  • Downloaded the plugin and activated
    Located picons by oktus and downloaded first the Astra 19°2 220x132 bundle
    Saw that the plugin created a new picon folder under root to store picons
    Issued a new Code : "ln -s /picon /usr/share/enigma2 " to redirect the picon alias under enigma2 to the newly created pîcon folder under root !
    restarted my box : no change !!!! picons still not working

    I repeated the operations with a different size of picons 100x60 but no change !!!

    what am i doing wrong ?

  • I really need help here... i flashed my Dm8000 with latest Dream Elite Image, and used Default-HD Skin

    All is working fine but i can't activate picons... The path i select in setting is /usr/share/enigma2 . I issued appropriate "In -s /picon /usr/share/enigma2" command to create picon folder redirected to appropriate picon directory under root. I tried so many picons (may be 6 attempts) with different sizes (including 220 x 132) and different authors : Oktus, mmark, etc... I also tried Xpicons... I chmod'ed picon folders to 755 ... I just can't make one picon appear

    i even changed skin to "MetrixDE-FHD"... no result

    i also changed picon folder under /media/hdd/picon and updated the picon path setting accordingly

    any hint of what i else i should try ?

  • what picons you trying to use for what sat ? if its 28.2 use RATS PICONS updater this will work :)

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    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • not sure i understand your answer... is there a different settings for each specific satellite ?

    my question is not about changing picons... my question is that i can' make them work ?

    an my focus is Astra 19,2° E and Hotbird 13° E

  • OK have you tried to download picons via the LinuxsatSupport plugin ?
    this will norm place them into the correct folders when you download and install them ?

    i am only 28.2 here tbh and norm have my picons in usb on my E2 devices :)

    hope this helps and let me know how you get on via LinuxsatSupport addon if you have not tried this way :)

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    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • Yes i tried the LinuxSupport plugin yesterday... I collected oktus picons for Astra 19°2 220x132 bundle... No change - i also tried xpicons from that same plugin menu

    let me try your RATS PICONS on 28°2 E... although i don't think the problem is satellite dependant ... where can I find this ?

  • thats what i use m8 rats n rats , but as i say before im only 28.2 so could not tell yah for sure :)

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    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • I think I am close to understand the problem... I downloaded and executed the plugin...
    the tool is STUCK at step "1 - LOOKING FOR YOUR PICONS FOLDER " !!!
    yet i have two folders created with name picon
    - /usr/share/enigma2 : here i have un alias picon redirecting to /picon created under root
    - /media/hdd also containing a folder named picon

    yet the plugin is unable to find my picon folder... that's why it is not working (i would think)

  • try folder called PICON instead of picon ie put folder in full caps :)

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    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • I tried upper case (PICON)... no change... the plugin get stuck
    I also tried to remove all picon folders from the machine , the plugin displays 7 or 8 error messages like "proc/xxx/.... : No such file or directory ! "... then it freezes and i have to power on/off the box

    I just don't understand !!!!

    and why the plugin does not create himself the picon folder if he cannot find it ? this is basic programming.... i don't get it and the thing is driving me crazy !

    question : Do you remember how you launched the plugin Rat's picon the first time ? who creates the picon folder ?

  • i created it on my usb drive ;) or may have been usr share i cant mind of top of my head
    but i norm have it on my usb stick, i would have to double check tbh , ma misses is on the stb
    the now though so be after she finnishes her crud watching programs kk :)

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    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • I just tried "Picon" (only first letter Upper case)... no change

    the error message i have has this shape
    find : proc/577/task/838/fd/139 : No such file or Directory

    I have 5 or 6 of these and then the plugin freezes...

    I can't believe this is linked to whether you use a USB stick, hard disk or flash memory but i feel that if i can make this plugin work i will also come back to my manual stuff and it would work as well !

  • its defo in my usb m8 in its full caps thats on my wetek in Msd install of E2 openatv

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
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    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

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