Automated oscam script Updated 100%

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 7,606 times. The last Post () by s3n0.

  • Hello,

    No need to update oscam manually (download, decompress, stop the oscam, copy the new bin, add the attributes, reboot the box, start oscam ....)
    No need to do the same again the next day because there were 3 revisions of oscam during the night
    I found and adapted a script that uploads and updates your oscam without you reporting it
    How? follow the guide :

    1: Copy the script attached to this post in the script folder of your image (For Blackhole it's in / usr / script /)
    2: If you need to customize the script according to your image:
    Oscambin = "/ usr / bin / oscam"; # Change this line if your oscam bin has a different folder
    Oscamstart = "/ usr / camscript / start" # specify the path and name of the oscan launch script according to your image
    Oscamstop = "/ usr / camscript / stop" # specify the path and name of the oscan launch script according to your image
    3: Give the script the 755 attributes
    4: Add automatic script execution to your Cron Manager (Under blackhole, blue button twice, then Cron Manager, Command: /usr/script/ or with dcc add the following line 15 00 * * * / Usr / script / in /etc/bhcron/bh.cron and / etc / bhcron / root, do the same thing under other images.
    PS: You can run the script when you want with green button on the remote control, then blue button (script) and click on the Oscam_update script.


    Now your receiver will check every night if there is a new oscam version available, if so, it will be downloaded and installed without any intervention from you

    Script for Solo 4K

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    Happy update :fist bump:

  • in /usr/script has 0755 as attributes. Both scripts that I tried had the same attributes but I had different errors.

    Is the script for Vu Solo 4K the same for Uno 4K with same BH image? If not, I would appreciate if it will be downloaded here. Thanks.

  • I started everything from fresh re Oscam. I uninstalled the one I had and installed Oscam 11278. I tested that it's working correctly and then added the new script for Arm base receivers that there is in post #1 and attributed 755. Now I'm having the below images.

    When I entered on Oscam Webinterface it is showing OSCam r11391 and not 11278 as was before. So it's working now. Don't understand the info on last image, about missing in line 73 and 77. Here are additional info about these lines so that I could get help to understand this and if need be to adjust. Thanks for everything.

    Line 73 and 77 are the following:

    73 $oscamstop

    74 echo "Copie du $oscambin"

    75 cp -f oscam $oscambin > /dev/null 2>&1

    76 echo "Demarrage du Oscam ..."

    77 $oscamstart

    My is as follows:


    CAMNAME="OSCam 11278"

    remove_tmp () {

    rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp*


    case "$1" in


    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"


    /usr/bin/oscam -b &

    sleep 2



    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"

    killall -9 oscam 2>/dev/null

    sleep 1




    $0 stop

    exit 0



    exit 0

    Thanks for your help.

    • Official Post

    Where does the file have to be copied at Open ATV Image?

    /usr/script/ if there is no script folder create one.

    Edit the script with this:

    Oscamstart = "/ etc / init.d / oscam.emu start" # specify the path to the oscam launch script your image
    Oscamstop = "/ etc / init.d / oscam.emu stop" # specify the path to the oscam launch script

    Extract, then FTP attached file root to /etc/cron/crontabs

  • Will you please create a automated script for pc linux vps x64 and x32? it is really a hard job to upgrade oscam almost every week.

    Why difficult to update? Create your own Shell script and schedule it to run via CRON. In your Shell script, be the first to stop Oscam service. Then you update Oscam using SVN tools. And in the third step, you restart Oscam (usually using some startup script in the "/etc/init.d" folder). Everything is easier on a Linux PC than with set top boxes. That is, provided that you have at least a basic knowledge of writing Shell-scripts.

    is this script need to be updated ?

    What update do you mean ? Do you think it is always necessary to update Oscam ? Or is it necessary to update the functionality of the script ?


    Who would want to ... it probably doesn't belong here (the script is dedicated to another author), but for use in Enigma2 set top boxes, I also created an update script for Oscam. My script uses the source of the Oscam binaries from the SpaceRat team and is intended for the OpenATV image. I haven't tried functionality on other Enigms, but some functions for detecting the Enigma kernel version (OE Alliance Group version) may not work correctly in OpenPLi, for example. However, the script could theoretically work in OpenPLi as well. If anyone is interested, just adjust the parameters at the top of the script as needed and then schedule the script to run via the CRON controller. Upload a script e.g. to the "/etc/init.d" folder or to "/usr/script" folder, assign it execute permissions ("chmod a+x file_path"), and then add an entry to CRON to run this Oscam-update from my shell-script. However, I do not know exactly what all the modules in the Oscam binary from SpaceRat feed-server - i.e. what libraries / modules are included in the Oscam compilation... for example: cache-ex support, support for Phoenix readers, support for USB readers in general, and other modules in the binary. Of course the basic modules are compiled in Oscam as they should be. But some additional modules may be missing (for example, support for reader protocols such as smargo or mp35).…

    (Information on the use of the script is also given in the file itself, right at the beginning.)

  • I mean update the script

  • master G

    Set the Label from OSCam Scripts to Scripts OSCam

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