WETEK PLAY Android 4.2.2 possible fix for all errors

  • Hi all, as you know, wetek play will no longer update to 17.1 krypton. Jarvis 16.1 still good but with a lot of errors and broken depenancies so,there is a workaround that's working fine for me. It's not the kodi krypton 17.1, but it's close to it , as you will not get any errors . Wetek play is android 4.2.2 and I think wetek play 2 is android 4.4.4. I only have wetek play , will go with that, as android is earlier edition. I was searching for ages to find a solution and I think I have found it. Here we go, First of all, make a backup of your 16.1 kodi, [I don,t bother,I just reinstall jarvis 16.1 fresh] Now, DELETE Kodi 16.1 from Apps, reboot, then go to browser, and type in : http://toptutorials.co.uk/android/ and go to CEMC fork. You will see several forks but CEMC works for WEKEK PLAY. Then download and install. It may not come up on your kodi line but press apps, and you will find it there, click on it and it will load up. It'S exactly the same as 16.1 but now accepts the latest updates with no errors. Just put in your usual repos as normal. If I am not bending the rules, you will find more infomation on tvaddons.ag , {put in ONE242415,used to be on Phoenix but changed to tvaddons,] go to TECH,toptutorials and you will find the how-to for android 4. I know WETEK2 works on FTMC as well as It's AND,4.4.4 {same as my hybrid 4 quad!] I hope this will help ,and I must say if I can ,a big Thank You to toptutorials for all the info.Hope this helps,..cheers

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