oscam user crashing tm twin 4k

There are 16 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,733 times. The last Post () by johndeere88.

  • Hi can someone have a look at my configs please.

    Ive never used dvbapi before so not sure if thats the issue but after 10 minutes my internal user on the box crashes and full reboot is required,the annonymous user goes first then my user from user list,server appears to be fine but still testing that with this version of oscam pcsc i have.

    Many thanks

    # oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11384

    # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/…on/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt


    disablelog = 1

    logfile = stdout;/var/log/oscam/oscam.log

    clienttimeout = 3500

    fallbacktimeout = 600

    clientmaxidle = 90

    nice = -1

    maxlogsize = 0

    waitforcards = 0

    readerrestartseconds = 20

    block_same_ip = 0

    block_same_name = 0

    usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log

    cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

    lb_auto_betatunnel = 0


    csp_allow_request = 0

    cwcycle_check_caid = 0963

    cwcycle_maxlist = 3000

    cwcycle_keeptime = 160

    cwcycle_sensitive = 0


    port = XXXXX@0963:000000;XXXXX@XXXX:000000

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314


    port = XXXXX


    version = 2.2.1


    enabled = 1

    au = 1

    pmt_mode = 0

    user = dvapi


    port = XXXX

    aulow = 120

    monlevel = 1


    httpport = XXXXX

    httpuser =

    httppwd =

    httprefresh = 60

    httpallowed =,,,

    aulow = 120


    label =

    description =

    protocol = pcsc

    device = 0

    autospeed = 0

    cacheex_allow_filter = 0

    caid = XXXX



    fix07 = 0

    readtiers = 0

    detect = cd

    mhz = 500

    ident = XXXX:000000

    group = 1

    emmcache = 1,1,0,0

    blockemm-unknown = 1

    blockemm-u = 1

    blockemm-g = 1

    saveemm-s = 1

    read_old_classes = 0


    label = cache

    description = cache

    protocol = cs378x

    device = dyndns,port

    user = user

    password = pass

    reconnecttimeout = 60

    cacheex = 1

    cacheex_maxhop = -1

    cacheex_drop_csp = 1

    caid = 0963

    ident = 0963:000000

    group = 20

    dropbadcws = 1

    ccchop = 5

    audisabled = 1


    label = HOMEBOX

    description = HOMEBOX

    protocol = newcamd

    device =,PORT

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    user = user

    password = pass

    cacheex_allow_filter = 0

    caid = XXXX

    ident = XXXX:000000

    group = 3


    user = user

    pwd = pass

    caid = 0963

    keepalive = 1

    group = 20

    ident = 0963:000000

    cccstealth = 0


    user = user

    pwd = pass

    caid = XXXX

    group = 1

    ident = XXXX:000000


    user = dvbapiau

    au = 1

    • Official Post

    Look in oscam.conf [dvbapi] and oscam.user [account]

    the user doesn`t match

    user = dvapi

    user = dvbapiau

    Change the [account] in oscam.user to

    user = dvapi

    The group for user dvapi must have the same readers as what you are using in oscam.server (if you are allowing all groups/readers).

    group = 1,3,20

    So your account should be like this:


    user = dvapi

    group = 1,3,20

    au = 1

    I edited your post and highlighted what to pay attention too.

  • Thanks master g..have not got it live yet but i noticed an emu with 3 entitlements pop up so user error on my part and it looks like my configs are ok now thanks again..

    I have another problem now tho, i want to use open atv with pcsc support and vix is the only image with a built pcsc oscam but it crashes so i got a bin file from rsync and it seems ok but it wont work in open atv which is strange.

    I got an ipk you put up yourself for open atv arm OSCam 11329 and that works fine in open atv but no pcsc support so i used the bin file from rsync and renamed it to (oscam) in usr/bin but it wont work, the bin file from rsync works fine in vix if i rename it to (oscam-pcsc-latest)

    Strange one and dont know where to go now tbh, i chmodded bin files to 755 and i thought the bin file would work in any image but apparantly not..

    Any guidance on that would be really appreciated..

    Many thanks

  • I can get oscam to work ok on open atv with my arm reciever, just not the bin with pcsc support and unfortunately open atv dont support cam software queries so i,m a bit stuffed on that one.

    Thanks for your time tho abu:-)

  • Thanks master G,, Below is what i have in oscam.emu

    emuname = OSCam 11329

    binname = oscam

    startcam = /usr/bin/oscam -c /usr/keys

    stopcam = killall -9 oscam

    Oscam works ok but just no pcsc support, the binfile i am trying which works in vix on the same box is oscam-emu that i got from rsync on here, sending it to usr/bin and deleting old oscam bin then renaming oscam-emu to (oscam) chmod 755 and full reboot but its a no go.. ill try again and use those commands in putty



    login as: root

    root@'s password:

    root@tmtwin4k:~# /usr/bin/oscam -c /usr/keys

    /usr/bin/oscam: error while loading shared libraries: libpcsclite.so.1: cannot o pen shared object file: No such file or directory


    Strange one

  • Just gets weird again ...

    emuname = OSCam 11329

    binname = oscam-emu

    startcam = /usr/bin/oscam -c /usr/keys

    stopcam = killall -9 oscam

    Put binfile in to usr/bin= oscam-emu but only chmod to 755 and did not rename,edited oscam.emu as above and rebooted box

    Get this now

    OScam 11329 Not Started !!

    Cam binname must be in the start command line

    Check your emu config file

    • Official Post

    /usr/bin/oscam: error while loading shared libraries: libpcsclite.so.1: cannot o pen shared object file: No such file or directory

    Extract the attachment.

    FTP both files to /usr/lib

    Change permissions to 755

    Reboot and try again.

  • Dohhh,corrected oscam.emu and dont get that warning now, tried those files but it still refuses to start, its as if open atv does not like pcsc binfiles, i even tried working configs from a vu zero that i have pcsc working on..r9620 on vix but i,m trying to get away from vix

    Thanks for all your time master g btw

  • Here is a strange one...i just pressed install cams by accident and 5 cams came up in the install softcam section...there is 2 with omnikey support now... they were not there yesterday..thats weird..i,ll try them

    I,ve never even seen pcsc support for cams in open atv before

  • When you tried to start oscam in telnet the error showed you the image was missing the pcsc libraries (libpcsclite.so).

    Thats what i provided in the attachment.

    I thought xmas had came early when mgcamd installed aswell haha... still nothing working with any pcsc file i use...standard oscam works aswell which is bugging the hell outta me:-(

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