XCplugin-IPTV Discussion (plugin errors, new update requests etc.)

There are 927 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 177,469 times. The last Post () by Sami Ertaga.

  • salam

    I propose an option for xcplugin to lululla to add a list of favorites

    1 / - create a folder with /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/XCplugin/Favorit

    * __init__.py

    * Favoris.py

    * Favorit.xml



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    code to put in class xc_Main (Screen):

    def ok_Favoris(self):
            from Plugins.Extensions.XCplugin.Favorit.Favoris import *
            self.index = self.mlist.getSelectionIndex()
            selected_channel = STREAMS.iptv_list[self.index]
            stream_url = selected_channel[4]
            XML_Replace_Line(stream_url, selected_channel[1])

    اللهم اغفر لأخي ومعلمي محمود فرج و ارحمه آمين

  • hehe

    greetings brother

    I have not expressed myself yet, what you do is all nice and working, but you are an artist, a qualified and prepared person and I respect you, I learned a lot from you.

    Now, coming back to the plugin, how can you use this variable?

    do you want to make it as a favorite or can you use it for a movie search?

    On startup, if you can do, def get_list, you could create a .xml with all the channels for the search,

    Now you would do 2 buttons:

    -favorites: favorite screens

    -search: screen search

    But my time is always less, and I would not have the ground and the mind to do all that

    Let's see what comes out of it. Thanks bro



    for add to favorit

    edit keymap.xml

    find and replace this

    <key id="KEY_TV" mapto="listUpdate" flags="m" />


    <key id="KEY_TV" mapto="ok_Favoris" flags="m" />

    and add thisin plugyn.py to self['actions'] of -- class xc_Main

    'ok_Favoris' : self.ok_Favoris,

  • for Eg.

    to put the list in a file.xml I had also tried this for a future research, but it takes minutes and minutes, a lot of time to use this

    find def _request(self, url):

    and and insert this later
    print "urlinfo:", urlinfo

    the result is that download the whole list,naturally the namechanel is long, but too much time is needed, and then I had left.

    Now modify it with your favorit path but it is right to make understand


  • Hi!

    I tried to install enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-iptv-mod-lululla_6.5_all.deb on my DM900.

    When I open the Plugin and want to edit the user data with the blue button the box crashes with the following errors in the attachement:

    Does someone has an idea?


    Does someone has an idea?

    EDIT: The workaround of post 671 fixed it for me, too! Ty rako123!

    Edited once, last by msbmg ().

  • ok sorry..

    attached ski cvs ok and put this in


  • Is it possible to use Enigma2 OE1.6 list instead of Enigma2 OE2.0?

    In the Xtream-codes panel I can choose either Enigma2 OE2.0 Autoscript or Enigma2 OE1.6 Autoscript. Now I would like to use OE1.6 in Xcplugin too.

    In the user file I have this config







    This is for OE2.0.

    I tried enigma16.php, enigma1.php and enigma.php but none works.

    Is there a way to do this?

  • Hi Lululla,

    In the Menu there is option to change the Services Type to Gstreamer or Extplayer3. However this only works for services with reference '4097'. Is it possible to extend this to services with reference '1' too?

    I think so

    Maybe next time if there is any update to do I see if possible.

    oe 1.6 ??

    I do not know :) I do not have firmware 1.6 to test unfortunately.

  • Hi Lululla,

    In the Menu there is option to change the Services Type to Gstreamer or Extplayer3. However this only works for services with reference '4097'. Is it possible to extend this to services with reference '1' too?

    If channel stream is .ts

    Go to Menu Config

    Active ---> LivePlayer Active YES

    and Service reference is "1"


  • I don't have as much time as before.

    But I had made a change to import the file


    If you care about someone and want to test


    -file /etc/enigma2/xc_e2plugin.xml updated

    --file /tmp/xc.txt for import only on OpenServer Screen

    -if present /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh from menu Config Yellow Button Import Server

    - the format of the iptv.sh file must contain the data in red:

    USERNAME=" "

    PASSWORD=" "
    url=" "


    If you have not installed xcplugin version 6.5, install it and then overwrite the paths from the file attached to your box via ftp.

    ATTENTION: please do not put this file anywhere else, or outside this forum, it is only a test, if it works I will be the one to put it online: except that someone wants to fix the "local" language files

    Thank you

    I tested on a PLi and Oealliance basis:

    Sat-lodge Image 7.5 and OpenESi 8.6 (which have yet to go online)

    ################### ITA ############

    non ho più molto tempo come prima.

    Ma avevo fatto una modifica per importare il file


    Se interessa a qualcuno e vuole testare

    Necessario e Timeline:

    -file /etc/enigma2/xc_e2plugin.xml updated

    -file /tmp/xc.txt for import presente solo nello screen OpenServer

    -se presente /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh dal menu Config / pulsante Giallo / Import Server

    - il formato del file iptv.sh è necessario che contenga i dati in rosso:

    USERNAME=" "

    PASSWORD=" "
    url=" "


    Se non avete installato la versione 6.5 di xcplugin , installatela e poi sovrascrivete i percorsi dal file allegato al vostro box via ftp.

    ATTENZIONE : vi prego di non mettere questo file altrove, o fuori da questo forum, è solo un test, se funziona sarò io stesso a metterlo online: eccetto che qualcuno voglia sistemare i file "locale" delle lingue


    Ho testato su base PLi e Oealliance:

    Sat-lodge Image 7.5 e OpenESi 8.6 (che devono ancora uscire online)

    EDIT :


  • forward sry i dont know if im right here.. im using the lite v2.0 plugin on my vu+ arm with vti... is it possible to get more avalaible downloadpaths..? im usin nas as central storage.. how can i choose this as downloadpath..? thnx 4 help

    BEAST mode...

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