Replacing Radio picture

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 531 times. The last Post () by KiddaC.

  • Hi

    The still picture that shows on my tv when listening to the radio is burning itself into the tv screen and I would like to change it to stop making things worse.

    I understand that to do this, I need to replace the radio.mvi file using dcc and that is ok.

    My question is where do I find another radio.mvi file?

    Another question is: is it possible to have a moving picture, similar to a screensaver?


    Vu+ Uno

    Motorised dish (28E - 30W)

    Image: Vti 6.0.5

  • Use xorionBootLogoMatik to create any bootlogo with your new radio graphic.

    This creates a sub folder in the location of xorion. Find your mvi file you just created. Rename it to radio.mvi and upload to etc/enigma2

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