DM900 do not boot or update image

There are 19 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 7,696 times. The last Post () by fmoreira.

  • Hi...

    After flashing a new image on my Dm900HD i get stuck:

    The image never end the boot...

    When i go to the rescue mod and try to install a new image i get:

    [*] Remounting '/dev/mmcblk0p3' to '/data'
    [*] Mounting '/dev/mmcblk0p2' to '/mnt'
    /mnt/etc/recovery/backup-hooks.d/ line 4: can't create /mnt/etc/enigma2/fstab.bak: Read-only file system
    [*] Unmounting '/mnt'
    umount: can't unmount /mnt: Device or resource busy

    I follow some informations off another topic an i Telnet this commands:

    1. wget….14-r0-dm900-20170113.bin
    2. flash-rescue zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm900-20170113.bin

    After the second i get a:

    Warning: Could not read CA!

    Warning: Please consider updating your rescue loader!

    And it starts to update rescue loader

    comparing 2790 sectors...

    erasing 2788 sectors...

    writing 44608 pages...

    verifying 2788 sectors...

    flash done

    I restar the box and everything is the same.... when i try to flash a new image i get the same error...

    Please... any help?

  • I already have done

    update-rescue -v

    and updated but did not solve the problem.

    Now when i repeat the command i get:

    Warning: Could not read CA!

    Warning: Please consider updating your rescue loader!

    [*] Downloading ''

    wget: bad address ''

    Fatal: Failed to obtain signature 'rescue-image-dm900.bin.sig'

    When i execute

    echo "rescue" >> /proc/stb/fp/boot_mode


    It boots on rescue mode but i still can´t flash any image

    Is the dm900 original or sim 2.30 clone ? Are you flashing a compatible image ?

    It is original.

    This problem starts after i flash a Barry Allen backup....

    The backup boot and when i choose "delete other languages" restart and never complete the boot again.

    So i download a OpeAtv image, extract "po" folder and replace it. The image now boots but i can´t do anything... For example every time i try to install a plugin i get a error...

    In rescue mode i have the same error i explain in first post...

  • I will describe the beginning of this.... maybe have importante information:

    I have a DreamElite image on boot

    I install BarryAllen

    Install a OpenAtv image on BA and customize that image

    I make a backup on BA (backup to backup option)

    I flash that backup on falsh... and all this problem began...

    It s possible the box is trying to boot in BA and not on the box flash?

    When i check in image i can not find any ba folder (in media/ba)...

  • Before i read your answer i try the Online recovery on rescue mode. I get :

    [*] Remounting '/dev/mmcblk0p3' to '/data'

    [*] Downloading ''

    [*] Copying 'recovery' from local storage

    [*] Verifying signature of 'recovery'

    gpgv: Signature made Wed Dec 21 02:02:08 2016 UTC using RSA key ID 7DA27561

    gpgv: Good signature from "Dreambox DM900 Recovery <>"

    [*] Unmounting '/data'

    [*] Running './recovery'

    [*] Options '-v -b -r'

    [*] Mounting '/dev/mmcblk0p3' to '/data'

    [*] Downloading ''

    [*] Downloading ''

    [*] Verifying signature of 'dreambox-image-dm900.tar.xz'

    gpgv: Signature made Tue Aug 29 10:42:14 2017 UTC using RSA key ID 7DA27561

    gpgv: Good signature from "Dreambox DM900 Recovery <>"

    [*] Mounting '/dev/mmcblk0p2' to '/mnt'

    /mnt/etc/recovery/backup-hooks.d/ line 4: can't create /mnt/etc/enigma2/fstab.bak: Read-only file system

    [*] Unmounting '/mnt'

    umount: can't unmount /mnt: Device or resource busy

    [*] Unmounting '/data'

    Fatal: Failed to execute './recovery'

    After i try:


    flash-rescue zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm900-20171017.bin

    And ftp stay´s with:

    flash-rescue zImage.......20171017.bin

    For the last 30 minutes.... It is normal take so long or it is stuck?

  • For the last 30 minutes.... It is normal take so long or it is stuck?

    I would try flashing your image of choice now.

    I try and i have the same problem:

    [*] Remounting '/dev/mmcblk0p3' to '/data'
    [*] Remounting '/dev/mmcblk0p2' to '/mnt'
    /mnt/etc/recovery/backup-hooks.d/ line 4: can't create /mnt/etc/enigma2/fstab.bak: Read-only file system
  • Stupid question:

    Should i try


    flash-rescue zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm900-20171017.bin

    On rescue menu or after image boot?

  • I try both ways...

    I get forever this:

    Connecting to (

    zImage-rescue-3.14-r 100% |*******************************| 11375k 0:00:00 ETA

    root@dm900:~# flash-rescue zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm900-20171017.bin

    When i do it with image boot nothing happen´s... it stay´s on the same menu!!!

    If i "manually" download rescue image from:…le/images/dm900/index.php

    Is there any option to install that bin file it without rescue menu?

    Edited once, last by fmoreira ().

  • Thanks cyberworld23 and master G for your help!!! My box is alive again

    I try again:


    flash-rescue zImage-rescue-3.14-r0-dm900-20171017.bin

    after boot in the image and not in rescue menu. It update and after that i was able to install a new image from the rescue menu.... the only thing i did different was flash a newenigma image (before i try DreamElite, openAtv and dreambox official)

    Just another question:

    - Can i install in flash a backup from BarryAllen? Or was that the mistake I made?

  • hi

    you should not install BA on Dreamelite and The Others like newnigma

    the best way is installing (unstable dmm originial) on flash and after that try installing the other images via BA

    i will say again (Unstabel on DM Flash) like Cvs-oozoon

  • Thanks for your advice... im my Dm800Hd i use oozoon and never had any problem

    OpenAtv it's also a bad choice, correct?

    The backup that is in the box by default is reliable? Can i restore a complete image (plugins, settings, skins, etc) with that?

  • So and any other´s who can give me a opinion....

    At this moment i have a OpeanAtv 6.0 full personalize in my Dm900Hd flash

    It is viable:

    - Make a full backup with dback of my OpenAtv image

    - Install on flash a empty Unstabel image

    - Install BarryAllen

    - On BarryAllen install a empty OpenAtv image

    - Restore the backup of my actual image in the empty OpenAtv in BA...

    Ca i do this? Or is risky and I can end up with problems in DM900Hd again?


  • hi again

    dear fmoreira you cant use dbackup in ATV because its debian package and didnt recognize by ATV

    and i think there is no dbackup for OE2.0 nowadays

    its better to use with internal (backup and restore) under the menu ( if ihave not make a mistake its there)

    other steps are correct as you said

  • I ask about dbackup because it cames by default as a plugin in OpenAtv image!!!

    I will try my steps replacing dbackup for the default backup function.... With that i will have a full backup of my image (plugins, cam´s, skin settings, etc)?

    Thanks again!!

  • master G

    Added the Label Image Flashing & Backup Support

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