Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

There are 2,430 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 860,324 times. The last Post () by Ramikarim.

  • If our developer @KiddaC don't mind

    And in appreciation of the wonderful addition

    The following code is enabled with a smart script that allows downloading the appropriate extension for the stb (ipk - deb)

    It will always be updated with the latest versions

    To facilitate downloading and installation through the panels on devices or mobiles


    wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh

    Edited once, last by biko ().

  • Very nice work. Thank you very much for your effort :) But i have one little question:

    I´m using VTi on my VU Zero4k with the Kraven Skin. Everytime i update my IPTV playlist via your plugin, the system switches back from Kraven skin to the standard skin.

    Known problem?

  • True

    If wget is very old it may not have this option. It may need updating.

    In general, most servers have a certificate and do not need this option.

    Some sites do not have a certificate and cause wget to issue an error and stop completing the process. no-check-certificate This option just tells wget to continue the download if an error occurs that the download source does not have a certificate.

    The error turns into a warning and the download is completed.

    Edited 4 times, last by biko ().

  • I know it's not a jedi issue but how do we get the updated version in openatv feed? seems to have stopped at 6.12 and keeps trying to downgrade every time I do a software update.

  • Which ATV Image have you? Because when your Image is up to date, you have the last version too and if on Feed is not the last Update, it as give not a Update in the OE-A Git for this Plugin.

    Dall'inizio del 2024 chiudo la mia attività per quanto riguarda E2 per problemi di salute.

    Ab Anfang 2024 werde ich meine aktivität bezüglich E2 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beenden.

  • The playlists have a timeout that is set in main settings.

    I think the default is 3 seconds.

    For every playlist that is invalid, it will wait 3 seconds.

    If you have lots of shitty playlists you have copied off the net over time, this will be the cause of your delay.

    Valid playlists even multiple valid playlists should load in a matter of seconds.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • I have an url for iptv which ends as follows: output=mpegts

    When restarting my Enigma2 box it will aways change to output=ts

    This means that the receiver does not connect to the server.

    Can anyone offer any advice please?

    I am using a Gigablue Quad receiver and Jedi Maker Xstream.

    I have used IPTV before but the urls always ended with output=ts.

    I am very confused.

  • Hi

    When I go into Jedi ,click on playlist it take over 5 minutes to show my playlists.

    I only have 3 playlists.

    After updating/creating bouquets it takes another 5 minutes to go back to the main menu.

    I take it you are using jedimaker to pull down live tv, vod and series , if not you may have a older stb and depending on size of your playlist it can take time

    you should try just using jedmaker for live and xsteamity for vod and series. Or it could be just at provider side.

  • Every time i setup this plugin on a receiver for the first time, the bouquets are created but if i restart the plugin, there is no option „update bouquet“ or „delete…“. only if i setup everything for the second time, these options are visible. normal behaviour?

  • Every time i setup this plugin on a receiver for the first time, the bouquets are created but if i restart the plugin, there is no option „update bouquet“ or „delete…“. only if i setup everything for the second time, these options are visible. normal behaviour?

    you should try rebooting enigma2 or fast restart after installing plugin.

  • i override output=mpegts in my programs to output=ts

    There was always a historical reason I did this. Because the different formats tended to use different stream urls.

    output=mgpets used to play streams via a url like this


    where as output=ts or output=m3u8 tended to have a stream format like this


    notice the dfference of the missing "/live/" and the missing .extension

    most providers could always play the latter format, but not all providers would play the mpegts url format.

    try output=m3u8, if that doesn't work for you, give me a shout and I will see if we can code in a workaround.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • KiddaC Is it possible to load picons or to include this ????

    nope sorry, its a bouquet creator only. I have always avoided picon downloads for jedi as its not simple to do via this plugin as you would have to download all picons which could be thousands, which then have to be stored on an external device like hdd or usb and also correctly named to be correctly cross referenced by the bouquets.

    Stick to iptv players like my xstreamity if you want picons on the fly, or use 3rd party windows software like e-channelizer if you want more control over picon assignment.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Every time i setup this plugin on a receiver for the first time, the bouquets are created but if i restart the plugin, there is no option „update bouquet“ or „delete…“. only if i setup everything for the second time, these options are visible. normal behaviour?

    how are you adding playlists. Are you doing it manually via the plugin or via the playlists.txt file.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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