Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

There are 2,434 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 862,181 times. The last Post () by urie.

  • I wouldn't bother with old versions if I were you. Everyone should be content with the working version.

    Users should wait for the new version and not stop you. Thank you 👍

    Yes I agree and so will a lot but KiddaC was just responding to posts that were made due to changes openatv made so that caused problems with jedimaker.

    A lot on members would have not even noticed because they never update their systems.

    But some of us do and thats when we noticed problems and one of the changes made by openatv has been reverted and sorted so yes old jedimaker still works so does his latest versions. :smiling face:

    • Official Post

    Just go back to the original. The few list with no port works just fine if you add the line direct into the playlist.txt

    This version as you say is EOL and you will have peace to continue with the New version instead.

    Or just make it text instead of number

  • New version update: I am happy with the way things have gone tonight.

    So no bouquets being built yet. Just loading playlists, storing settings, and storing channels/streams that are set to hidden.

    I originally only had done this work for xtream code playlists. Tonight I have also done all the code for external m3u playlists.

    Tomorrow we test locally saved playlists. But as that should be the same processing as externally playlists that should just work.

    But everything now works up to the create bouquets bit. All screens are plumbed in.

    Add playlist
    Main settings
    Playlist info
    Delete playlists
    Bouquet Settings
    Choose live categories and/or streams
    Choose vod categories and/or streams
    Choose series categories and/or streams

    For now I have stripped out catchup. Probably going to put that on channelselect rather than the main epg.
    Channelselect is pretty much the same on all builds. Where as epg code are now all different on most builds. The old code was clever but an horrendous way to show catchup on the various different images

    I have stripped out the old epg rytec matching code that I used to have.
    We now have a perfectly capable seperate plugin in my jediepgxtream to match iptv to other sources. So this simplifies the code and removes unnecessary stuff.

    To do...

    Local files
    Process and build bouquets.
    Build epg importer files (easy bit - I have updated that in old jedi to match xtreamity - so already done, just got to plumb the code in)
    Put catchup back in (can be done later)
    Put in manual and automatic update (can be done later)
    Maybe process epg files to fix bad data and update them with any server offset.

    Maybe and a big maybe... allow picon downloads

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Hi, new problem with Jedi Overnight the play/pause button is not working with Jedi. Started when on Openvix 6.4.002, upgraded to Openvix 6.4.003, Still same problem. Play/pause OK with recordings. Urie thought it may be only on Openvix. Asked them on the forum. Using v6.20

  • Hi, new problem with Jedi Overnight the play/pause button is not working with Jedi. Started when on Openvix 6.4.002, upgraded to Openvix 6.4.003, Still same problem. Play/pause OK with recordings. Urie thought it may be only on Openvix. Asked them on the forum. Using v6.20

    Yes already mentioned nothing to do with jedimaker it is not a player,

    check playback settings or Time Shift settings.

    Don't know where that is on vix but on open atv it is in Menu > Setup > Playback , Recordings & Time Shift > Playback Settings.

  • Updated box to OpenATV 7.3, Jedi worked OK. Trouble is when importing EPG-Importer box keeps crashing, Gone back to Openvix. I must have cursed the box with too many restarts?

    I am using a gigablue uhd quad 4k and no crashes on latest openatv7.3 jedimaker and epgimporter downloaded from feeds.

    Also just installed openvix 6.4.003 on another slot and no crashes and pause and play working so problem in on your side

  • That's an idea, thanks. Is it possible to create a "favourite" bouquet in xstreamiy? instead of searching for a stream e.g. in "showing now"?

    Why not just read the information available in xstreamity section , showing now you could not do that before but there is favourites category for live and vod not bouquets

  • Hi kiddac I'm having a issue with new version of jedi maker my m3u line loads channels and EPG but I just get a black screen but my m3u line works perfectly on xtream editor plugin any ideas. Thanks

  • Hi kiddac I'm having a issue with new version of jedi maker my m3u line loads channels and EPG but I just get a black screen but my m3u line works perfectly on xtream editor plugin any ideas. Thanks

    what image are you running i.e openatv , openvix e.t.c . what stream type set in jedimaker DVB (1) , 4097 , 5001 or 5002 if service app installed and if open atv7.3 did you enable new Gstreamer playback in Customize system settings if so disable it.

  • Hi openatv 7.3 service app set to ext3 player jedi maker set to 4079 I've always had those settings with no problems until new version.

    And have you checked bouquets in etc\enigma2 folder since last problem are the .jmx ones deleted and only ones with .jedimakerxtream and also etc/epgimport folder and no remnants of old .jmx files.

    My serviceapp settings are set to enigma2 playback system original.

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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