CCaminfo.php update times and FTPing server.

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 253 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Tried using the search function, but could not find answers, so asking here:

    Server: CCcam Ubuntu

    CCaminfo.php update times

    The update use to take less than a second, but this time is increasing as I add more clients/servers. I currently have 15 pairs and it can take up to 10seconds.
    Is the normal? Is there anyway to speed it up.

    FTP using FileZilla

    Is it possible to FTP the server using a popular client such as FileZilla, and if so, what credentials would I use? Where would the CCcam.cfg file be stored?
    (I am aware of CS Studio - looking for alternate soloution)


    • Official Post

    CCaminfo.php update times

    The more clients/cards you add to your server the longer it takes CCcam to read them, if you want to speed this up restrict the amount of HOPS/cards you receive or share.


    FTP using FileZilla

    Yes you can use your favourite FTP client, the login details will be the root user and password you used when you first setup the ubuntu, CCcam.cfg will be found in /var/etc.

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