Overwhelmed new Amiko Alien2 owner

There are 11 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,724 times. The last Post () by pauldb.

  • First post here so hello all and thanks in advance for any help.

    I have a SAB unix triple box which is owned by my internet provider. It comes bundled with the internet and they DON'T like me fiddling with it!!!! I managed to bootloop it in the past and they had to come "fix" it for me. I'm a little wiser now and have a working backup image of the enigma2 OS.

    So I just received an additional Amiko Alien 2 box for free which was stuck on bootloop. As this unit looks identical to the SAB, I tried and was able to write my previous enigma2 image onto it and it works the same as the other unit now.

    I want to use my own box and get rid of the internet provider OS and use an open source one. The original always does auto updates and changes bouquets and channel order.

    I'm still learning but am overwhelmed as to where to start. There is just too much info here for the beginner. Can anyone point me to a decent guide on starting from scratch? I'm in Ireland so setup will be similar to many UK users.



  • In short (and perhaps of not much good), I'm surprised that a legit IE IP did provide SH4 boxes by default. Nice:) If they do not have special bootloader, you should be fine with reflashing with any image. Try too google 'how to flash sab triple' and amiko alien2. Front panel buttons are not the same but the principle is.

  • Thanks tromo

    Well I'm learning fast but admittedly still a newbie.

    I'm not sure what to call my IP, they are a very obscure/small outfit (conway.tv) that seem to have had a bit of a monopoly in some apartment developments. Being a newbie I don't know if I have a special bootloader, or what an SH4 box is. Anyway, I now have this 2nd box to play with.

    I've managed to flash openATV 6.2 onto it and have channels tuned but my god there is a lot of setting up to do to get it anywhere close to what I want.


  • the good old alien2, was a goob in its time, but long in the tooth now, very slow with openatv on, i would go in plug ins and try and remove all the rubbish you dont need

    would be interested to see why they gave a box away, what was on it

    ps you also have spark on it as its dual boot

  • Good point pauldb , seems to have a lot of crap on it I need to remove. It hangs sometimes when I'm in the settings menus. The IP didn't give it away I got it from a website for free. Chap said it was broken, "searching for stations". He just bought some other box that must have been setup for him. It was stuck on bootloop with the openATV 6.1 splashscreen. So I figured I'd try an openATV image for no other reason.

    Should I have gone with something else?


  • open atv and images that go to oe-a are slow, it was never made for the box, the best ones was HDMU ,PKT and open-arp, all based on open pli, i love hdmu on the box, it was fast but not with out its problems,

    as for being slow on menus, if you have the tuners switched on and no feed then it goes slow

  • Tried a few that you posted there but can't even get them to boot. Any chance you can point me in the direction of something decent that I can get working?


  • theres a few on here,have you tried a openpli one, or have you had a play at using spark (the boot thing is normally to do with space,joeuser normally compressed a few so they would boot,) also are you using spark to install or the front buttons

  • Trying an openpli one now. Not really liking spark, seems a bit basic. I'm flashing the enigma images via spark. Of the 6/7 images I've tried it seems a bit hit or miss as to whether they will boot or not. For example: openpli-enigma2-homebuild-spark-20190504_usb won't boot, but openpli-enigma2-7.0-rc-spark7162-20181122_usb boots fine.

    I will keep at it, and thanks for the guidance


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