source of cccam ?!!

There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,423 times. The last Post () by moustafa86.

  • Any friend have cccam source ?!

    I need to build new version to my new images depends on new depends files (Glibc 2.27 + libcrypto 1.1)

    Or any one can find compatible file to my images ?!

    Thank you

  • How about applying symbolic links to old-new versions of libraries ? :) Backward compatibility should almost always be maintained. Only new features are added and BUGs are being fixed. There will be little change in the output or use of functions in libraries.

    If it is a set-top-box and not some x86 machine with full Linux, so if there is no conflict of many other dependencies on the old library, then it is sufficient to use symbolic links.

    In the case of set-top boxes and Softcams, it is common practice to use symbolic links to older libraries that are already removed from the system, but sometimes cccam or oscam (or other softcam) still require them.

  • Doesn't work

    root@dm920:~# /usr/bin/cccam-2.3.2
    /usr/bin/cccam-2.3.2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    root@dm920:~# ln -sfn /usr/lib/
    root@dm920:~# /usr/bin/cccam-2.3.2
    /usr/bin/cccam-2.3.2: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /usr/bin/cccam-2.3.2)

    here we find in our core source the solution ..…5cde4c31b96e7a3b18719fadb

  • Verify that your links are created correctly:

    ls -al /usr/lib/libcrypt*

    This is what it looks like in OpenATV 6.3 Enigma:

    root@formuler3ip:~# ls -al /usr/lib/libcrypt*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            17 Jun  9 20:28 /usr/lib/ ->
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        137664 Jun  9 20:28 /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Jun 10 20:20 /usr/lib/ ->
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Jun 10 20:20 /usr/lib/ ->
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       1774316 Jul 19 19:18 /usr/lib/

    In order to achieve the above, creating links in the right way is as follows:

    cd /usr/lib
    ln -s /usr/lib/
    # then check it again :
    ls -al libcrypt*

    Or try the following commands ... of course only for testing purposes ... create and then delete the "" symbolic link:

  • we are using newest version of


    (Glibc 2.30)

    GCC 9.2.0

    OpenSSL 1.1.1d

    Busybox 1.31.0…sion-development-platform

    So that method of symbolic doesn't work (Already I have test it before and I have got as I wrote before) version `GLIBC_2.4' not found

    So the correct way is as mentioned in my previous reply with (RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libxcrypt-compat")…5cde4c31b96e7a3b18719fadb

    Then you can build CCcam with old libcrypt package need it ...

    OpenaTV Still using not version 2.0.0 because CCCam compatible with libcrypt 1 not version 2

  • Hello.

    In that case, I only find that the dude who invented or compiled the above Cccam deserves the punishment of shame :). I wonder what the reason was to cancel compatibility.

    Linux is getting worse than Windows. I understand dependency on kernel versions, but I don't understand dependency on library versions. Any scared developer can't program some of the code himself, so will he use the features of the 2.0.0 library? :) New libraries are suitable for use in full-featured Linux systems and can be used there for large projects (eg dvb headend). I do not understand when someone in such a small thing as Cccam has to use the latest libraries or a newer Linux kernel system. These developers are a shame to other developers because they absolutely do not think at all.

    This is the same as when we design new applications and games, basically only for the new Android 10 and not older versions. Only apps and drivers for Windows 10 and not for older versions of Windows. Apps and drivers and modules only for linux kernel 5.4 and no other - ie. without compatibility in older versions.

    In the textbook for beginners - developers for Android systems, at the beginning of the book reads:

    Try to keep the compatibility with the oldest version possible! Otherwise, no one will use your app.

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