how do i get Oscam actually working on openblackhole openbh

There are 13 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,952 times. The last Post () by ALIEN1X.

  • Hi Guys,

    New to all this. Just brought a vu+zero4k with open blackhole. Installed Oscam did have a 24hr trail but didn't know where to put details in proper place or proper way or get the Oscam to actually work. I've been looking all over and can't really find any details of how I get this working other then installing to receiver via FTP client. I saw somewhere also talking about a this needed. I'm really stuck on how to get this up and running and my brain going to explode now. Any help on how instructions on how to get this working would be so much appreciated. Newbie



    • Official Post

    With your FTP tool, send the attached ipk to /tmp folder.

    Press green button > yellow button > manually install ipk packages > select ipk, then OK button > confirm installation.

    Start oscam via blue button > select oscam, then press OK.

    oscam configs are in /etc/tuxbox/config.

    Add the details you have been given to oscam.server file.

    Give us an example of the details you received, so we can help you convert it to oscam.

  • i Have a similar question. I have VU+UNO 4K SE, with OPen Blackhole 5. I have installed oscam via the feeds and put in the necessary config files.

    How do I get Osacm running and running as its not shown under the plugins menu.

    How do I set its to run automactically or manually setup?

    I note there are 2 versions under the feeds for oscam latest with DE version and stable version so which one should i have installed?

    • Official Post

    How do I get Osacm running and running as its not shown under the plugins menu.

    How do I set its to run automactically or manually setup?

    Softcam management is done via the Blue button.

    I note there are 2 versions under the feeds for oscam latest with DE version and stable version so which one should i have installed?

    With "DE" is for Sky Germany.

  • I used 3 cccam files and converted them to oscam.server files using software app (not online conversion)

    This works in openvix but not working in Open Blackhole 5, i get no error messages its just the channel dose not clear like it did under vix.

    Im using oscam stable version.

    This is the oscam.server files below with all confidential parts replaced by xxx








































    Edited once, last by ALIEN1X ().

  • Is the same Oscam version used, for both Enigma2 distributions - VIX and BH ?

    Do not use build versions codenamed "stable" because they are old versions. Use the latest version of "trunk".

    And the other files are okay too ?

    I mean "oscam.conf" and "oscam.user", or the file "oscam.dvbapi".

    Sometimes these files are also very necessary.

    Does your Oscam start and work properly ? There are many ways to verify this. For example, by connecting to the Oscam-Webif interface via LAN, using a web browser (you enter the IP address of your set-top box and as port 8888 or 83, depending on whether the default port or another port... that can be set in the file "oscam.conf").

  • IM using the same softcams on both recivers downloaded via feeds

    in OPenVix both - CCCAM (2.3.8-r1-de) and OSCAM Latest (1.20 +svn11704-r1) work and clear the channels

    In open Blackhole -CCCAM (2.3.8-r1-de) works on some channels only and OSCAM Latest (1.20 +svn11704-r1) dose not clear channels

    I presume the other files are ok if they all work in open vix

    so the problem is the OPen Blackhole ?

    I went into web inf- what am I looking for in that?

  • Oscam-Webif is there to verify the functionality of Oscam: http://IP-ADDR-of-your-set-top-box:OscamWebifPORT

    If you don't know what it is or if you can't verify the functionality, then it's very bad. For example, you can find the debug log in OscamWebif. It can also be set to more detailed ... or you can allow output to a file and make a recording for at least 1 minute. However, I am not a developer of softcams, so I will not advise you. I can only advise on the basics of softcams, as well as the basic issues and the basic Live Log in OscamWebif.

  • I can get into oscam webinif I can see under seetings the soft cam fles both cccam and oscam ticked, I can select what Im watching or trying ot watch although the channel dose not clear - currnet status.

    I put all my oscam config files under etc/tubox/config but oscam web inf wont show me any file paths or directory

    apart form that it tells me the basic info about my box

  • Check the "oscam.conf" file to see if the port for OscamWebif has been changed. If so, use this port. OscamWebif should work as soon as Oscam is up and running. Just know the IP address of the set top box and port. Then connect to this web interface in the LAN via a web browser.

    As for the Oscar address book, take a look and read this:

  • I can get into oscam webinif This is the live log file, but not sure what im looking for in that log?

    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Host name = vuuno4kse
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Release = 4.1.20-1.9
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Sun Jan 30 02:02:31 UTC 2022
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm8000
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Stb vumodel = vuuno4kse
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) Stb boxtype = vuuno4kse
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/ with pid 1676
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (led) LED support is not active. Can't detect machine type.
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 4F87DB9B h (webif) webif: decompressed 172519 bytes back into 418240 bytes
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 4F87DB9B h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip=:: port=83
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmcache disabled since no reader is using it!
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmstats disabled since no reader is using it!
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 00000000 s (gbox) local gbox failed init
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 411512AF c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 411512AF c (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.ccache
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 411512AF c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 0 maximum number of filters is 64 (oscam limit is 64)
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:51 411512AF c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 device, total available descramblers: 16
    • 2022/03/27 21:46:55 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 0 ECM pids and 3 STREAM pids in CA PMT
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:01 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stopped descrambling for program 007B (FFFE@FFFFFE:007B unknown)
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 0 CAID: 0B00 ECM_PID: 1C10 PROVID: 000000
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 1 CAID: 093E ECM_PID: 0855 PROVID: 000000
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 2 CAID: 0940 ECM_PID: 0856 PROVID: 000000
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 3 CAID: 188A ECM_PID: 0854 PROVID: 000000
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 4 ECM pids and 3 STREAM pids in CA PMT
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
    • 2022/03/27 21:47:07 411512AF c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no enabled matching ecmpids -> decoding is waiting for matching readers!
    • 2022/03/27 21:48:17 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 13 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:49:17 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:50:17 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:51:17 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:52:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:53:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:54:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:55:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:56:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:57:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:58:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 21:59:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:00:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:01:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:02:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:03:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:04:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:05:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:06:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:07:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:08:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:09:18 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:10:19 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
    • 2022/03/27 22:11:19 411512AF c (-) -- Skipped 12 duplicated log lines --
  • Code
    2022/03/27 21:46:51 411512AF c   (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)

    2022/03/27 21:47:03 411512AF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
    2022/03/27 21:47:07 411512AF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no enabled matching ecmpids -> decoding is waiting for matching readers!

    Something there is really badly set up.

    Contact your provider. He will help you. I have no reason to help you and besides, it's forbidden here. Your softcam server administrator can help you as the best. Maybe the softcam server intentionally denies communication for an unknown reason.

    You may also need to set the CAID (you do not have it listed there in your configuration).

    It's hard to say where the mistake is.

    In the LOG waht you sent, I do not see any connection to the external readers (with cccam protocol) that you have set in "oscam.server". Unfortunately, the internal readers are not configured at all. Since your Oscam did not find either internal readers or external readers (cccam protocol), so, it cannot decode anything.

  • mate, if you use same Oscam files in 2 different receiver your line provider will block 1 Receiver, because 2 different IP adress.

    i think there is maybe your problem.

    otherwise than wrote @s3nO, ask your line provider whats matter

    Yes I think thats what may have happened because only testing between 2 recievers, one with openvix on Extrend box and other on my new box VU + with Openblack hole which I was testing to see if it works

    Thanks, I will have to do some reasearch, these were only 24hrs free test files from provider to see if can get it to work on my new VU+ Which I find tends to struggle compared to my old box.

    Edited once, last by master G: Merged a post created by ALIEN1X into this post. ().

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